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  1. TacoGrenade
    Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. TacoGrenade
    *begs Xert for money* Cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. TacoGrenade
    Guys I finally found the real translated lyrics! They are as follows:

    *intro music* I have heard this tale. Alone he rode into his foes. And his homeland was saved. I have heard this tale. As he ran each thing... ...He touched was destroyed. I have heard this tale. I have heard this tale. He gave hope to all. ...Myself included. He struck fear into all, myself included. He... ...Is near me! He... He is near me. My comrades who were once strong warriors (and rivals) are here. Furiously competing battling one another. Their splender grew! *outro music*

    Pretty sweet huh?
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. TacoGrenade
    Toy story. No further comments.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. TacoGrenade

    yes it's ok if you draw them.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. TacoGrenade
    ummmmm uhh well..... I guess I'd have to pick Xigbar but Saix is still pretty cool
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. TacoGrenade

    The Duel

    wow man. that is amazing well done *claps loudly*
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. TacoGrenade
    ooo ooo ooo can i be a hobo!?
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. TacoGrenade
    look you can all stop foolin' around we all know i'm goona win. IN FACT I ALREADY HAVE! MUAHAHAHAHA!
    I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i win.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. TacoGrenade
    huh didn't know that. But recently i found a video on youtube telling the real lyrics They are as follows:

    *intro music* Call me Papa.Me be who? So what it wasn't me. and i flee a tsunami. Call me mama. Heehee hoo. You leak red hair. And you eat a spoon fair. Old love was Winne Pooh. I'm only five millions. There's 4 people. He Foreman. There are people speeding. OMELET PREVAIL!!!!!! He are big scum net. NAIL! You scarred me. Watching he slippy meat. We are relieved. We forgret. We won't rest. Without... a little Tom Fulp burnt up more then said but bread SHEEP!!! *outro music*

    Ok i'm kidding but it does sound like it!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TacoGrenade
    ^Hasn't left his house in 4 months.
    { Is secretly plotting to take over the world
    \/ Will obey me when i conquer all.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TacoGrenade
    sephiroth being phychic. god what would would that be like? *Has scary thought*
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. TacoGrenade
    sweet ill try it.

    Demyx=music teacher Larxene=Gym teacher

    Name: Eddy
    Age: 16
    Parents: Demyx and Larxene
    Powers: Contols water,lightning, and can talk to animals.
    Group: Loser (sort of)
    Hobbies: Playing the sitar and playing with his cat Rico
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TacoGrenade
    Well since nobody can actually understand it what do you think the lyrics are?
    Thread by: TacoGrenade, May 27, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TacoGrenade
    COOOOOOOOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breaks down door and starts eating cookies*
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 27, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. TacoGrenade
    hates waffles pancakes and french toast
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. TacoGrenade
    D00D ah F0UND @ P33N33
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. TacoGrenade
    doesnt like sub sandwiches
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. TacoGrenade
    man ive spent all day reading this. your awesome so keep it up :stupid:
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. TacoGrenade
    Thanks guys I appreciate it. This one's for you!

    As his eyes slowley opened Roxas didn't have any thoughts for a moment or two. Almost like his brain was shut off. Suddenly his eyes opened fully and flickered quickly back and forth across the room. He saw a limp figure in the middle of the room. When he realized who it was tears welled up in his eyes and he became highly emotional. "NAMINE!!!" He yelled trying to get up but seeing that he was chained to the wall. When he tried to get his keyblades to break the chains they didn't appear. Instead he slowly crawled towards Namine inching his way forward each small movement pulling at his limbs and slowly cutting off the circulation. When he finally reached her he clasped her hand firmly in his and tried to wake her. "Namimne c'mon just wake up! C'mon it isn't funny! WAKE UP!" He said trailing of tears running down his face.

    "I'm afraid that one will never wake up again." A young boy probably around his age said. He wore a cloak much like the organization's exept it was a lighter grey. "That is unless you gave her this." The boy said again holding up a small vial with green liquid in it. Even though his hood was over his face you could see the devilish grin on his face.

    "GIVE IT TO ME!!!" Roxas yelled trying to get closer and snatch the bottle. But his efforts were futile and his body eventually couldn't take all the emotions and the chains pulling at once and he collapsed, breathing hard on the cold stone floor.

    "Sora? Sora!"

    "Huh?..." As he awoke he shook his head and all his senses came back. "Roxas, Kairi!" He yelled getting to his feet and seeing that he was in the Usual Spot.

    "We found you at the old mansion and you were all beat up. You okay?" A short chubby boy asked.

    "Yeah Pence I'm okay." Sora replied looking at the other Twilight Town gang members. Hayner with his camo pants, camo shoes, and skull shirt and vest. Olette with a bright orange shirt, yellowish shorts, and her light brown hair. And of course Pence with his headband, sports jersey, and baggy jeans. After explaining the story the gang agreed to keep an eye out for Renzo. "Okay see ya' later! Oh and use these to contact me if you see Renzo." Sora told the gang handing them each a small walkie-talkie.

    After wandering around for awhile he began to ponder Renzos words. "The creator....Of the keyblade?"

    "So Wind how did it go?" A thin figure in a simalir coat asked.

    "Fine but do we have to keep it so dark Earth?" Wind replied.

    "Yes the master requests it dark so it must remain dark. Or do you have a problem with that?" Another member asked drawing forth a small thin keyblade.

    "Alright alright Water don't be so edgy." Wind told him backing a little closer to the wall.

    "Then let us begin." A deep voice said from behind that startled the other three.

    "Geez Fire do you have scare the bajesus out of us every time!?" Earth asked in his whiney voice.

    "Namine... I'm so sorry...I could have protected you...." Roxas said deeply. His eyes were red from several hours of sobbing. He had layed down right next to Namine. Every few minutes a member would come in and inject him with various liquids of many colors. Each time they promised he would get the antidote for Namine soon enough but Roxas had a feeling that "soon enough" would never come. One of the potions had allowed him to summon his keyblades for a short moment but not long enough to break the chains. Eventually when one of them came in with a larger injection of the same potion he sprung into action. It was the same one who had first offered him the antidote. After the injection was complete Roxas broke the chains and quickly attacked but was promtly blocked by the boy's keyblade.

    His keyblade seemed... Misshapen was a good word for it. The edges sprang out randomly here and there. None of it was symetrical at all. But Roxas had no time to pay attention to that. He rapidly swung but not once did he hit the boy. Then it happened. His eyes turned blood red. His Oathkeeper turning into a second Oblivion. And large demon wings sprang out of his back. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He screamed swinging quickly at the young, practically defeseless against him boy. It made a huge gaping wound going from his right shoulder to his left thigh. Many more wounds like this were made and the boy quickly couldn't even hold his own weight. Roxas held him in the air with one hand and stabbing and slahing mercilessly with his keyblade with his other hand. After slitting the boy's neck he took the antidote from the child's pocket and gave it to Namine.

    When she awoke all she saw was a demon.

    Sora landed in The World That Never Was as that was the next best place to check. But he didn't have to look for long.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 25, 2008 in forum: Archives