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  1. TacoGrenade
    why do people do that? now pesonally im a very superstious person and even i dont believe that. ill tell you right here. Im not a christian. and im proud of it. im proud that i dont have to listen to someone else. im proud i dont have to listen to other people preaching out to people. im proud that when people at those fairs with the signs asking you to preach about jesus that i can say no. im proud that if someone calls me a worshipper of satin that i dont care. I dont believe in any one god. if your so called jesus is real then why cant Appolo be real? Why cant Zeus be real? Why cant the Mayan gods be real? Why cant the Aztec gods be real? ask yourselves these questions before telling someone to become a christian.

    ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. TacoGrenade
    this is a key debate. Well in my point of view back in the old days things like getting someone a memo could take a week or more but now its due in a day or two or even a few hours. I say if we wanted to be more convenienced we'd get rid of all of our convieneces.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. TacoGrenade


    Well personally I find that it isn't repulsive or disgusting or anything but I just cant help but be kindof freaked out if i see 2 women or 2 men together. Im not saying its bad or anything its just kinda weird. please dont judge me for that.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. TacoGrenade

    I cant get past green greens. The spike wall kills me every time. In another file I keep losing to motherbrain cause i get gangraped by spagheti-o's every time. DAMN YOU SPAGHETTI-O'S DAMN YOU TO HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! **** SPAGHETTI-O'S!!! THEYRE NOT MAGICALLY DELICIOUS OR GOOD FOR YOU OR ANYTHING!!!!!!! stupid spaghetii-o's.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. TacoGrenade
    Bob. I dont know why but Bob. Just Bob.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TacoGrenade
    Eddy had a huge yawn before getting up and looking at the clock. "Oh crap!" He said realizing he was going to be late. He quickly took off his pajamas and replaced them with a blue overshirt and baggy jeans. He decided against bothering to fix his hair since nobody would notice anyway and he didn't really care on top of that. So he ran out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria seeing the boy and girl again. The bird that the boy had tamed kinda creeped him out though. Halfway to the cafeteria he stopped remembering he had to feed Rico. So he ran right back deciding in his mind to skip breakfast.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TacoGrenade
    Waking up from a deep dream the first thing he saw was rico next to his bed. He practically jumped at the sight of the huge cat. The others hadn't even realized it when he came back. He looked over at the girl laying on her bed. She seemed peaceful enough. The boy on the other hand was a bit strange. Taming that bird, charming that girl, but then again maybe that was because of his looks. He didn't get it. But he was just naturally un noticeable.Eddy had a huge sigh and tried to get back to sleep. But even Rico's soft purring couldn't get him back to sleep. So he got up and grabbed his Ipod. He turned on the song "Paint it Black" and climbed back into bed. He was really tired. He couldn't understand why though.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TacoGrenade
    Well I think he was just walking around the realm of darkness eating a muffin and minding his own business when he saw it on the ground and decided to take it. So he threw his muffin on the ground and then he grabbed it and became a keyblade master. The End!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. TacoGrenade
    Anyone heard of this game? you can download it here:
    then just click downloads and then choose slomo. Anyway this game is HELL! everything can kill you! Apples fall down or even up from trees and kill you! there are spikes everywhere! Your character is tiny! The bosses are nearly impossible to beat and are usually like a million times your size! Just try it for yourself!
    Thread by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. TacoGrenade



    Description-Red eyes, all black fur, with a huge scar over his left eye, greyish feet, and a broken chain around his neck. He is very solitary and doesn't make friends easily. Xandr's keyblade is a double sided Oblivion(Regular handle, regular blade, two of those things at the top I dont know what they're called, can be swung as one or split in half making 2.)

    History-He was originally a human but was trapped by the heartless. He had a strange resiliance to them and changed into an animal instead of a heartless. After escaping a prison they made for him (Explaining the chain on his neck) he found Radiant Garden and has spent a total of 1 year 3 months their.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TacoGrenade
    Wtf Bbq Agro Omfg?!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TacoGrenade
    *Bloody and laying on ground with limp left leg and shaking a can* Cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. TacoGrenade
    OOC: Hey sorry eveyone ive been kinda busy but you can stop ignoring me!

    BIC: As Eddy was walking down the hall he realized just how un noticeable he really was. Even those two in the dorms hadnt even noticed him. Then again he thought of how they looked at eachother and smiled. He wished he could find a girl like that. He looked at the clock quickly and realized he just had music class and then he could get back to the dorms. The bell rang so he grabbed his sitar case and walked out of the class ignoring the teacher. He got over to the music room and began unpacking his sitar. He looked at his dad who was at the front and sighed. He hated this class. His dad always treated him like a little kid.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TacoGrenade
    avatar: 5/10
    Sig.: 7/10
    overall: 6/10
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TacoGrenade
    dude my head is engsmsmsploding from all these crazy claims.:wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow::wow:
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. TacoGrenade
    Agro Omfg?!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. TacoGrenade
    it would make sense:rockdover:
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. TacoGrenade
    there was an unaveragely short boy with a ponytail sitting in the corner. He was playing a strange instrument with a melody somewhat like a guitar but not the same. He set it down when he saw the two. "Hey there name's Eddy. You are?"
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TacoGrenade
    *stomps into room with red eyes and blood lust* WHO DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE ROXAS THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. TacoGrenade
    ^ Is a fortune teller

    { Is most likely alot younger then all of you

    \/ Hates me even though he/she is the one whos emo
    Post by: TacoGrenade, May 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone