OOC: *Hurls cookie contents all over Maria* Take THAT! Ouch...
OOC: To Riku Terra: It stands for Back In Context OOC: To Maria: I still headbtted you, so my head didn't feel the stick because it's on fire. :D
OOC: I just explained it, now back to the story!
OOC: I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this... XENDANE! HEADBUTT!!! *Xendane's head explodes into fire as he headbutts Maria* Woohoooooo!!! (I mean, come on! The name suggests you HAD to see it coming!) OOC: ANYhow... Everybody was being all normal and stuff then an evil person comes in and a dead hero is revived then there's a fight and all the characters are currently recovering from their own encounters. Did I mention I own four characters? You can add some if you want. I'm sorry, six characters. I own six characters, ya ya. :D BIC: Sin watched with intent.
OOC: Ya ya
OOC: *Whimpers at Riku Terra with big puppy eyes*
OOC: *Continues biting plate*
OOC: COOKIE! *Chomps on plate and won't let go*
OOC: Ouchie. :rockdover:
IT IS NEVAR TOO LATE!!! :guns4: :guns2: :guns3: :guns: :rofl: :lol: :laughing-smiley-004:
OOC: Hey! That was MY cookie! :guns2: :guns2: :guns2:
OOC: OMG! :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: :guns3: PH33R MY ARMY OF WRATH AND DOOM!!!
OOC: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
OOC: Nope. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OOC: :rofl:
Hiro walked through an alley showing off his wings in public to keep people away from him. Most of the time when he did this, everybody stayed away because they thought of him as a dark harbinger of death. He didn't know why, but he liked the effects. "OH MY GOD LADY, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Chronix yelled as he ran through town, right past Hiro, with Barandy hot on his trails. Hiro frowned. "This has not been a good day..." he muttered to himself.
OOC: OOH! *Jumps in bag with feet sticking out*
OOC: *With cookie in mouth* What? It's MY cookie. >:O XD
OOC: Ooh! *Sits down and munches on cookie*
"For god's sake, lady, will you leave me alone!" Chronix was now sprinting to get away from Barandy, who seemed obsessed with him. Theo was on the sidelines, laughing at the scene.