Banned for me not replying immediately.
Thank you.
My grandfather just died a few days ago.
Banned because I apologize.
I did so because I was taking watch (is that even right?) of my grandfathers's casket.
Banned for having a good sale.
You're right. I should stop now... Maybe I'll do another day since I drank too much caffeine...
Banned for making me! XD
...Now let's see if I can make it to a week...
You're welcome. Banned for being a Death Note Fan.
Eighty nine. Keep it up!
Eighty seven. Yeah I noticed.
Banned for having a cute signature.
Eighty five. I guess this isn't a thing anymore huh?
Banned because you're right.
Well, I won't give up then! Eighty Three.
Banned because he's telling the truth.
Banned for doing so.
G'night Railos. Meanwhile, I can't sleep because of either insomnia or because I eat too much...
Banned because he's a member who haven't logged in to the site in a few years.