I never had 'em.
Banned for stating a fact.
Banned for being you.
Banned for being Legendary.
A sandvich and a... kind of pasta... what is it?
Banned for being awesome...again... XD
Aww, our streak has ended... Three...
Banned for being Buddha.
Banned for being right all the time.
Banned for being right...again...
Banned for being somewhere out there...
I don't mind you calling me that. In fact, I actually like it! Thanks. I've moved on...
Banned for not knowing what you're going to say.
I'm glad that nothing happened. When a tornado comes, just hide. No questions asked.
I got this song stuck in my head. Never knew that it would be catchy.
You really got hit by a tornado?
Banned because I've been busy with... you know.... The funeral's today.
Banned for stating the truth.
I thought the same thing before.
Once again, you're welcome.