I'm not talking about now, but a'ight. You taking a break?
So.... uh, how's hacking working out for ya?
Hey. Sorry about what happened back in the Anything Group....
Yeah. It sucks.
One of my friends is upset. Making me upset.
I'm a little bummed.
Yo! What's up?
Neither do I.
xDD *deep, relieved sigh* Good thing we got Labor Day Monday.
Yeah, huh? :D
Sorry. It'd feel kinda weird having to call you and Bluejay "my children." xDDD
You should go here to get Viva more hits. http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php?groupid=65
Mmm-hmm.... *thinks about conversation earlier*
Oh. I thought the King was a member on here. Oh no! At least not King! That's a bit much! I'd like to be a King but not exactly one of a royal...
Yeah! Hey, y'know, I just thought: The flat screen. Just touching it. It could get addictive xDDDDD.
I know! The only way I could really use it is attach the default mouse.
Uh-huh..... You mean, #8-Axel? He's the King of this royal family?
Yeah. I'm not using it, though. I never really do. I'm not handy with the laptop mouse. So I use my mom's computer.
She's your sister?