yeah i guess its killing me i jus wanna rreally know
he measged me twice and hes like what u too somethin like and he like this again king dom crown DO LIKE THIS TOO
jeny:i know im caling him a lady omg!DIDNT U LISTEN!?
alrighty then ;3
me too but im goin with myt answer,if u check my vms with raziq maybe we can figure it out?
i dont really know jus maybe we should when raziq gets on
jeny:does too!and hes weird
i think he means this
omg i am physic :lolface: something like this happend with blazer
so u bored ?
jeny:im not, im calling him a lady cuz he friggen looks like 1 which is creepy!
good ifinshed my naruto drawing i'll post it when i can
jeny:i do too know!your a guy
hey there was up?
"at least im not a total sap''
jent:omgits the that gut that looka like a lady!
hey there wellcome to khvids hope you like it here :)
vani:uh sure dude
vani:nah iwont