aqua:n no!
good thanks 4 asking i just got on ive been reading manga and my brother was the coupmter
jeny:haha! i recoreded ever thing that u said to dude in the eye patch btw does any body ELSE KNOW WAT DUDE MEANS CUZ I DO!
ok then im confused i thought it was sword or is it a keyblade its confusing
Jeny:yay!he died*draws on his face*
aqua:somehting to do
jeny:omg he dead!*grabs marker and draws on his face and take a picture*awesome!
jeny:Ha yeah right!
vanitais:oww! aqua:*sighs* well im leaving
same thing
hey there wats up
jeny:seems like it
man today seems boring to me
nothin really i was bored so how r u?
hey there.
jeny:i guess your right but u know whos dumber than me?
jeny:nuh uh! that oldman says his smart!
kay see ya then
lucky i dont hav a phone
nice pic adam