I know. I was talking about next year.
There goes Christmas......
:D Haha I know. My friends at school would say the same thing.
eh... or a really dirty joke.
That, my freinds, is a definate NO.
Well, like a typical man, he leaves while you're asleep. Eats all of your food...... and I can't say the rest D:
I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time......... I might be thinking that, What?... I just might. WATCH OUT guests o.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I carry swords and other pointy stabbing things! ... ... Only for cutting my toast y'all! God, what were you thinking?
Anyhoo, the point is, the fairy boy in green tights could beat them... without knowing them. o.O
Are you blonde too?! o.o and have a nagging fairy??? And boots? 8D
I'm half devil incarnate... that owns a Chicken and Waffles restuarant.
water's for quiters!
No. I stole the company. I could pwn Link.... : D
But funny 8D
Oops.... teh chainsaw rusted.... with water!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3IpUpCfPCs&feature=channel_page ok, ok.... I stole the company....
Nuh uh! D: That's why they invented the Megaton Hammer. 8D
NUUUUUUUUUUuuuu! Eh. I got more.
Is she a boulder?
I could throw my hat at Sora and make him trip on his huge feet. THEN he would cause the Domino effect and all four would crush your pepple. D: