pause, go to "options"/"game settings", go to "subtitles", select "off". lol, you didn't know?
WARNING:graphic violence Open up your stomach with rusty meat-hooks, pull your intestine out, tie it into a noose and hang you from it......... Then give you CPR, tear out your throat out with my bear hands and shove my arm elbow-deep up the gory hole I just created in your neck, puncturing your brain sending you into fits, and finally gouging your eyes out leaving you to drown in your own pool of blood... DIE!!!!!!!!!!
Guardando nel buio-Yoko Shimomura
*jumps out closet and stabs len* Is now deceased...
Correction Is soon to be devoured by MEEEEEE! XD
Ironman-Black Sabbath .....Warpigs-Black Sabbath
Will be spared from my murderising.
Is 16 years of age
But if "wierd" is "normal" then is "normal" "wierd"? Is high on caffene
But how can anything be "wierd" when nothing is "normal" Likes Sora&Kiari
THINKS Im "weird", can one really truly know what "weird" is without being "weird" themself?
*Eats everybody and everything that has posted on this thread* Is inside my large intestine
Is also edible, Im gonna' canabalise joo.
Is edible, FOOOOOOOD..... *eats DSK*
It swerved away from the neo-shadows in another side. Another vehicle to the left:
Has no sense of humour
wtf time-zone are you in?
Is an oversized fetus...
. . . meh...
Say that again and...