"oh" Anna said "hey! isn't this a suiside mishon?" Erin asked
*she noded and jumped in*
"but why us?" Anna asked "man this is cool!" Erin said to himself
*aErin kept laughing*
ooc: no just puzesed for a wile
"sure..." she said
*they both noded*
*Erin cept laughing*
*Anna laughed*
*they looked at him*
*Erin laughed*
*Anna kept lisening*
ooc: no...well...we is now...ummm...*sigh* they are going to fight someone super strong so they called in a profeshenal to train them(Erin wasn't doing very good) and the prufeshinal had to poses Erin because he is already dead...he is Alexander's old student
"I dono...I think it may be everyones eveil mixing together" Erin said
"now what are you looking for?"
ooc: they are both to curios about why they were brought there
*the light stoped and Erin colapsed* ooc: nothin realy
ooc: ok... *Anna looked around*
*Anna wached him*
*Erin backed into the light and there wasa big exploshen* ooc: missed you two buddy!