*Erin fell on the ground laughing*
*they heard the scream as they aproched the castle*
"what do you meen? this is my normal voice...oh who are you?" he asked looking at her and his brown eyes had now become one blue and one green
*Anna huged Erin*
*Anna peted Erin* ooc: who was she talking to
*they got close and Anna got very nurves...Erin was as knucklheaded as ever*
"yes...atlease I could be worse" he said in a difrent voice
*they folowed the river*
*'Erin' started to get up*
*erin cept lauthing*
ooc: back to RPing
*Anna laughed*
*the noded*
tyvm! I'm glad I'm not crazy
ooc: tyvm!!!!!!!!
*Anna scrached Erin behinde the ear*
"ok" they both said
Ok this may sound dumb, but it makes scene to me. I was thinking that they all have hearts, but since they are from the darkness there heart is sort of numb, and they need to be introduced to warm emotions like Love, friendship etc to be able to feel there hearts. I think this because Axel seemed to show more emotions the longer he was friends with Roxas. I think Roxas and Namine could already feel these things because they were created out of an act of love and friendship (when Sora sacrefised his heart for Kairi). I also think that evil emotions like hate anger etc make there hearts become more numb, like how when Axel felt betrayed by Roxas when Roxas pretended to know who Axel was, but really didn't. I think that is why Axel became numb and tried to kill Roxas that time. All the other members have only been introduced to these dark emotions, and that is why they were so evil. so what dose everyone think?
"ok then...when do we go?" Erin asked
"well I thought everyone that went were we are going dies..." Erin said "I've heard that befor to!" Anna said