I like thinking here it reminds me of Destany Island
It's Ocean...and yours?...if you don't mind me asking *she asked as she pulled out the last peice of straw*
thinking *she replyed not takeing her eyes off of the moon*
ok *she said then she pulled out another straw* one more and I'm done
Sora's missing Riku's fighting and again I'm on my own *Kairi said to herself*
Nothing...but what if something like this happens again and no ones around to help?v*she said as she pulled out another straw*
oh...this might hurt a little *she said as she started to pull out the straws* Oh and I know a better place for fish...with no old ladys and straw brooms
*she sighed and whiped away a tear from her eye*
*Ocean saw the straw in hims arm* ok...but how did it happen? *she asked*
OOC I'm not in at this perticular time *sigh* *she kept looking at the moon*
Ocean saw Lion jumping form roof to roof
Yah...anyone needs help even if they say they'll never need it
oh well...anyway back to surfing
even if you don't please spot destroying my...I mean this town I have all my memories...I mean how many memories can an 8 year old have?
I'm just waring you it could happen...meybe one day your watch thing will stop working and you need it because you are up against your worst enemy and you have no other option
and? it'd be better than nearly desroying this town
yah well you shouldn't may be one day you have this huge argument fall out and vow to never talk to each other then a few months laterone of you will need the other but you wont be talking so you would get into worse trouble
*she carryed on thinking not hearing Lucario*
yah but you could join the struggle torniment insted of doing this
So...Why are you comming to get me?