lol ***.
So it seems you've died and have begun the slow progression into rotting decomposition. I'll be damned if this isn't just about the sexiest situation I've been in all week.
I'm sorry, did I say "eat you"? Hoho, I meant to say "beat you"! (poor thing, they're completely oblivious to my plan of eating them!) did I say that out loud? Fancy that.
Boy, it seems you've packed on quite a few pounds there, sonny. Is that because of your incurable type 2 diabetes? Nobody loves a chubster, but that's okay, it just means more meat for when I'm going to eat you.
Don't worry, Heaven is as real as the vicious mauling I'm about to give you.
Hey guy, why don't you have any hair there? Don't look so glum, is it because of your horrific terminal illness and impending death? Haha, well isn't that swell!
Hey there buddy, how're those AIDs going? Still deadly? Hold on, let me just enjoy being alive for longer then the next 30 seconds, you let me know how that works out for you
Now guys won't be afraid to ask you for oral sex. Happy day.
Woah there, here comes the Cancer Train! Next stop: horrible painful death. CHOO-CHOO!
Not to mention that the game isn't announced to be in production, much less whether it will actually be for the PS3. So you buy a PS3 for Kingdom Hearts 3, a game yet to be announced, and then what do you do, say, if Kingdom Hearts 3 were announced for the Wii? Impulse purchases: dumb.
lol i dunno either, it's like taking a vacation, from life! and vacations are boss
killing yourself is pretty cool, guy, enjoy your 5 sentence paragraph in the local newspaper as the final acknowledgement of your existence, then enjoy everyone forgetting you.