Should have spent that money on atleast a lower end nVidia card, like the 7 series or something. Really, 4GB of RAM is all you'll need unless you're running supercalculating programs constantly. Just sell like 4GB of those sticks on eBay or something and use the money to buy yourself a graphics card.
Your graphics card isn't strong enough to run the game, if you have like an Intel Graphics Card that came with your computer, chances are it's not strong enough =\ usually for any kind of game you'd need an nVidia or ATI graphics card. Welcome to human nature, enjoy your stay : D
I made 15 unique penis monsters. High five.
Heard about this, it's kinda annoying because sometimes the patch corrupts the ROM and basically completely erases your save file. Why is this intelligent discussion?
Is completely heterosexual.
KH3 not being on the PS3 doesn't mean that Birth By Sleep is the last KH game, it means KH3 could be on the Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii. Hurfdurf.
Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't been announced to be on the Playstation 3.
I'd assault Kairi with a rake
Am I looking at an N64 game, or what
Both Iwata and Reggie stated that Nintendo cares about a storage solution for the Wii, and Nintendo of America customer service has started telling customers that a firmware update in the future can allow for USB storage devices, so this is not a reflection of what Nintendo is doing, this is a reflection of Laurent Fischer being a ******.
It was Square-Enix at the event announcing these things... Couldn't the same thing be said for Final Fantasy? Or Dragon Quest? Star Ocean has always been more successful in America and Europe then it really has been in Japan, so S-E is banking on the 360's strength in those regions to make the loss of Japanese sales negligible There's no telling on either platform if it would be successful, technically there has yet to be a single jRPG released this generation that has been entirely "successful", however the best selling RPGs of this generation have been Xbox 360 games. That's because Star Ocean 4 isn't released yet >_> It's pretty sad to have unfounded hatred for a faceless heartless mega corporation, in favor of liking a different faceless heartless mega corporation, as if it somehow cares about you unlike the other. And even more so to ignore legitimately good games because of the aforementioned blind dislike.
Infinity Ward isn't making it, therefore this is probably a no-buy for me. They're using the CoD4 engine atleast, so the graphics and online should be about the same.
It's interesting to note that this completely balances out Square Enix's support for both the 360 and PS3, everything's about even here. PS3 is getting support from the Final Fantasy Team with XIII and vsXIII, 360 is getting support of the Tri-Ace Team with Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean 4, and both of them are getting Last Remnant from a completely new S-E development team. Square Enix has kept to their word that they wished to support all consoles evenly. Now where do you think this leaves support for the Nintendo Wii, and perhaps where Kingdom Hearts 3 fits into this mix? : D Xbox 360 Japan held a press conference today to show off the 360's underestimated line-up of RPGs (Most people seem to think the 360 has no RPGs...weird), and Square Enix had quite a big showing at the event! Infinite Undiscovery: - Releases in September (worldwide release) - New Trailer (Watch: HERE) - New stage demo shows off some stuff that we couldn't see, but already know - Playable on show floor - XBL Marketplace tab shown on title screen, downloadable content? Star Ocean 4: - Trailer shown (Watch: HERE) - Will focus more on space travel - Can explore a galaxy of planets - Xbox 360 Exclusive The Last Remnant: - Releases this winter on 360 (worldwide release) - Will not release on PS3 this year (Timed Xbox 360 exclusive) - Trailer shown (Watch: HERE) Namco Bandai also had a showing: Tales of Vesperia: - Game runs at a constant 60fps - Releases in August NA/JP simultaneously (2009 for PAL) - Bundle SKU for Japan - Demo on marketplace June - There's will be a "Tales of" magazine called "Tales Of Magazine" - A CD single of the soundtrack will be available These great games will be joining the 360's RPG line up with the likes of Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, etc.