then they got stepped on! muwahaha, i also stayed after for the credits, at first going forward it sounds like "Help Us" then i found out when you do it backwards it is "Its still alive" wich is odd becuz when u say help us backwards wouldn't it be pronounced: Su Play? sounds like a French Soup if you ask me, ;)
OMG greatest chptr! MORE MORE MORE! :O :O :O I too will beat you with a pickle! *steps forward with dual weilding pickles* you will pay if you dont!
kk does it cost money? or do i ahve to register for A websight
Is the game laggy?, my comp is really laggy... like i can't play many umm online games like runescape and stuff. I would like to try it out but not if it is laggy
'Ello! wow, i thought my computer would have been broken for a month, yay i got it fixed, i dunno how but it started working yay!
L8ER tell everybody else i said bye whenever they get on
OK my bro has gotta get on teh comp, l8er guys i probly wont get on for a very long time till my comp is fixed, lsat time it was for a month!, so goodbye for a month maybe more
Hey Absol, lol i tried to make a weird vid like your lazerblast one on utube, but i couldn't figure out the frame steup, lol i gave up,
Hmm stil no replies
Say it Sooner, "The Almost" dont know if anybody knows them...........
I am good, just a normal day, just my codebreaker keeps messing up so i tried to post a new threead on it but noone has replied.... also my computer broken so i have to share with my brother... i ahve to get off for the rest of the night in 20 mins. So, maybe it hasn't been the best day
"ello *fillers*
l8er *fillers*
KK have fun, i guess ikll start chptr 3 of Departed Souls
Lol hey Kikame Just the two of us..... We can make it if we try! Just the two of us! no im JK Lol
Lol watch my video, look up Rocket Launch At school, its like 8 seconds long with i think 60 views, so i need more views, oand only one person has commented ill try to get a link, or just search my username snowbarding13 notice thers no "O" in snowbarding13
Lol i think i had seen that one even before you showed me... lol funny
*Cough* call me Tyler, or Ty *un-cough*
L()L talk about awkward
ok, that was funny