Hmm, well although im in 8th grade, i have a 3rd grade attention span thanks to my english teacher who is a complete spaz!
Lol K *fillers* Thats good, *still twitching*
Im great how about you, *twitching from the big words in the sentence* ugh
Oh by the way, my third chapter is up yay!
ok here is the third chptr enjoy it, and tell me what you think. no seriously tell me! or ill hurt you.... no im just kidding, or am i? ooh better post anyway, better safe then sorry right?? Chapter 3= "The Room" Kiyoshi was falling into the dark, he could feel the air spreading around his body as he fell. He spread his arms out as if to feel a wall but there was nothing there, all he could touch was black, he could only feel the black. It was the black that was spreading around him as he continued to fall. He noticed he was falling on his back so he switched positions so as if he was standing, but to his surprise he touched the ground with his feet. He turned around only to feel a bed next to him that he had been laying on, although he still had the feeling that he was falling. The air was still rushing around him, and he could hear a faint humming noise. He paced across until he finally felt a cold, coblestone wall. He placed his hand against it as he slowly followed it expecting to find a doorway or a window. To his surprise the room was completely circular, the wall continuing to curve around, his hand suddenly touched a bumb on the wall. "A light switch," he thought to himself, the words echoing through his mind. He flicked it up as a small light slowly flickered on, up on the low ceiling above him. He looked around the small room, he saw the bed that he had been lying on, the long, rusted legs that kept it in place and the stained white cloth draped around the bed. "Ew, disgusting." Kiyoshi's words echoed through the the small room. He now saw the small arch in the wall, he walked towards the arched-doorway being careful not to trip on the cobbled floor. He walked through only to find a new room, only it was square, and each wall was only about 5 feet wide each. He flicked another switch to see the some small words scribbled on the left wall. "It looks like a poem," he rubbed his hand against the imprinted words reading them as though he had heard them before, as though they were in some far off dream: The day will come when you will be tested, You will face many battles, Some with others, Some with yourself. Stay on the path, don't forget your purpose The war ends with your courage Keep on the light, dont let go The war ends with your courage. Kiyoshi took his hand off the words and thought to himself what the poem could have meant. "Who are you?" "Where are we?" "I won't let them hurt you!" "Don't let go!" "I can feel it sinking in" Kiyoshi heard whispers surround him, and could see a light thickening below his feet. He turned around to see a white light streaming out of the arch, he ran straight towards the light only to be slammed into an invisible barrier. " The war ends with your courage" the whisper rang into his ears as he blacked out. The voice slowly transformed into a more shrill, scream, as the words also began to morf into someone screaming his name. Once again he could feel himself falling through the black, only to be met with a hard slam to the face.....
So DoomDen how are you!?
umm, ooh... ugh, nevermind ill just uh stay out...
Woh, did i miss something?
ello, soz my posts are kinda spread out, im working on my third chpter.
Hey, anybody here? ECHO!
LOL i can't find where i saved it to, i just clicked open file so now i can't find it looks like i gotta download it again......
Hmm, im trying to download it without logging in, it says im next in line but the little download button wont come up.... WEIRD
Edit: Nevermind i found it! THX and great thread dude luv it
alright alright! pushy.... Wow whatever, i can't do it right now, there servers are messin up like crap or whateva u call em, when i tried to verify by typin in a pass it said i responded too late? weird, whateva..... ill try again tomorro
What? where the heck did that come from!?
Anger I sense, Go, I must! Calling i will find bushes among the thorns and the bristles. mhhmhmh Yoda is all powerful, soz that was random,
so nothin will jump out and scare him right, he's bugging me before i play it, lol now he hit me! ow! call the cops! OW! who kjnew a 5 year old could punch that hard!
LIARS!!!! lets all go and sew them muwahahah
ok my lil bro is often standing behind me watching me, there isn't anyhting like suggestive that a 5 year old would be scarred for the rest of his life would there? lol just wana know before anything happens bad