Yes *fillers* oh and hows your story going?
Oh got it I like this version too! oh and the people with the popcorn and what-not, i have a solution. I walk up, steal all the popcorn, destroys all human life as we know it, except Destined, and force him to write me more stories as indulge myself in popcorn! How'd you Like ME NOW!?
-So the killer is one of us!-Cory -Just like the movie, "The Killer is one of us!"-Shawn Boy Meets World
lol. Like ya know Quote: yadayadayada :Unquote and yes i have been testeed on that crap for years, i used to like it, now its just a living heck-whole
*cough* Speak for yourself! *uncough* lol
Are you kiddng me!?!?!? I BANISH YOU FROM TALKING ABOUT MOVIES! you two are always disagreeing about it, so i dunno tlak about the weather.... Its snowing by me! YEA
hey guys soz i can't stay on very long, gotta keep workin on chptr 4.
kay, i gotta go l8er might be on later tonight BYE
i think so..................
Lol my first AMV..... good times/crappy images
Ok well then, here is the link! I dont know why but it hasn't compltely uploaded, so i think only i can see it, but tell me!
How do i fix it!? plz tell dude EDIT: kk hang on then
ok..... i hope this works, HERE IT IS, i hope.: [object width="425" height="350"][param name="movie" value=""][/param][embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"][/embed][/object] WOW it didn't work :( :( :( :(
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I finally made my first AMV!!!!!! im gonna try to upload it in a second! WOOT I love it but youtube's quality sucks....
EDIT: YAY! i found it nevermind, yay but bad thig is Youtubes quality sucks!, and im not sure how to upload it here, owell ill try userportal. THX!
ello, I finally made my first AMV :clap: but it wont work :cry: , i tried to upload it onto youtube and it sais the same thing that Exile said: Public/(invalid file format), so my AMV was made from Windows Movie Maker, and im guessing that it is saved in default format of .mswmm, and im guessing you need to get it to a .wmw or i think that is it. Anyways, I lookde at the other posts here about turning it to a .wmw and you say to go to File> Save Movie File. Ok so I guessed that you then click save to website host, so i then went, made an account to Myedo, and sent it there. Then when i tried to watch it it kept saying Please Try Again, and plus, how do i get it from there to youtube or here? Do I not click send to Video Host Provider, did i choose the wrong host? HELP PLZ
hey absol how are you?
Is that fo real? like they really give the rice to the UN? or whatever
LOL 7/10 nice :D
lol weird game...... it gets hard once you reach a vocab lvl of 30