dam how long?
like stays frozen? or just doesnt do combos?
so his attack animation prevents ground attacks?
wait leon can onl do arial attacks? but wen u fight him he does ground attacks just fine he has the animation for it
it is possible remember that 1rst district riku code i told u about? and okay cool wait is it possible to add anenies to that room?
wow wat a cruel world we live in... poor baby
dam you dont know how to reposition characters? like put them in other rooms?
Squall for sure i love his personality and weapon and attaks and stuff
but theres too many bars so it'll be extremely hard to find one wrong digit hum... can you make the leon code somewere else? because too many...
lol well the thing is that im really careful wen it comes to codes because if i mess up it wont work so while writtin it down i check each bar...
oh man well i guess i can try by puttin it on my usb and try to get it to work on my codebreaker
hum... it may be possible but i too have a scientific way of thinkin really unless i see it i wont believe it much
ugh dam sorry but i dont think that too many people will try it its too long the riku code was 8 is their a way to make it a lil less...
dam that will take for ever and if we make a mistake while writtin it it'll be too hard to find is there a way to simplify it? like make it...
your playin
oh man you are just like me i love writtin songs and want to be a music artist one day or actor no normal jobs impress me sadly i dont see that in my future and cant even sing due to an accent so yeah enjoy your talent because at least you have a chance
dam... just for that? how many bars do u think it will take for the whole code (riku)? and how many for the leon?
then wats wrong with his speed? whos attacks rikus?
man thats bs you can play any game you like at any age and as for kingdom hearts specifically wats wrong with it? they might say that because of all the disney characters and it is messed up how you can mainly have disney characters in your team but aside from that its an awesome game
no lol i mean speed related does he run? and as for riku ansem man i just kno its goin to be a great code