sorry everyone ^-^' forgot to mention i gave him permission to do this...
ooc: sure thing, but almost no one on right now... and you'll have to let me introduce you and explain you're not an official member and yada yada yada... oh and i have a decent sized understanding on the basis of thing, The two .hack's i've watched are .hack//sign as i've said before and .hack//the key of the twilight, and then i did some studying on wikipedia and os on and so forth...
ooc: I've watched .hack//sign, and started that one where the guy has the key of the twilight on his arm and blasts things and yeah...
lol, ok...
i've probably already guessed it... i have already figured out most of the headlines in Destined's stories, thus the quotation in my siggy... but tell me anyway :3
Aerith was the one talking to Cid right? and good story, can't wait to read more...
yeah... uit's pretty good... jyst one thing... does Alex also like Koari?
lol, interesting...
kinda reminds me of Roxas...
heh, thanks... might not write more, depends on how i feel... oh, and i'm currently reading yours...
ok ^-^ Summon Night: A tale of two (yes, it is not a Kingdom Hearts story...)
Sure. and do you want to have a read of my what if story? (despite the fact you'll have no idea what's going on...)
thje one you were writing before.
lol, so how's your story coming?
really? cool... i know everyone's tastes by now...
heh... i thought you'd know the song, seemed like your kinda song ^-^'
here's one you'll like... and ok. I need to work on my hallelujah amv... and i'm debating to if i should write the next chapter of my what if story or if i should just let it die like my first one...
nothing much here either... i'm watching some amv's though... you wanna see some?
Hey V, what's up?
Hey everyone...