DS44, SKeith is the big thing with the ruby staff right? the thing that has data drain and so on...? that wasn't really being made... simply summoned thingy... and i haven't played the games but i've seen cutscenes... just wanna ask one thing... WHAT'S THE GAME YOU GET TO PLAY WITH TSUKASA?!?!?! O.O i've always wanted to play with him/her... oh and i have to go now ^-^' so PM me the games name plz! cyas!
and i am the peacebringer...
I'm fine. Me DS44 and Destined are all fighting... i'm giong to win.. i have the most proof... i have the anime episode sitting in a different window! >D
Heya V! how are joo?
umm... DS44 Kite played BEFORE tsukasa's time... signified by the fact that in one of the hidden episodes when they bought >hack//sign .hack//roots AND .hack//key of the twilight together, the kite impersonater was there!
"Huh..." Mellody sighed looking at Lana. "Anwyay, i'm not here to fight, just tell me if you know anything about the case."
"Wow, you can't even keep your calm like he did..." Mellody sighed, gesturing jokingly. "Wow, what a failure you turned out to be."
parts... strange anime... i prefered sign and key of the twilight.
I have! not the games but the animes...
"Exactly, an underling feel free to put on this parade of being L all you want but you'll never live up to the name."
no she doesn't DS44... i asked her awhile back when i ws still watching it...
"And i see your as smart as ever L" Mellody replied sitting down. "No wonder Near hasn't been bothered to come see you."
"This is a visit to see if you and your incompetent partner actually got anything done while i was gone." Mellody retorted walking in. "or were you to busy flirting?"
"I'm off Near..." Mellody explained walking out and closing the door behind her. "I wonder if Lana knows more about this case than Near..." As Mellody entered the hospital she realizedi t was quite a likely possibility. Asking for her room quietly adn then continuing to it. "Hey, Lana you up yet?" She asked politely opening the door slightly.
*makes Wing Zero glomp Demi* HIYA! :3 expect alot of glomps from giant robots for the next... forever?
"You know what?" Mellody started, walking to the door, i'm too tired for this sh*t..."
"Riiiggghhhttt..." Mellody sighed, picking up her bag. "Anyway, let's stop messing around and get t owork..."
Hey Destined, i'll brb soon... and dude... you don't bow to him, you represent this fam until Demi gets back (that's right DS44 he's the represensitive!)
O.O you realise we have a training simulation over there right? *points to ths room hidden in the corner* hey DS44... guess what... i might be related to CupCake >D not sure yet, but i'll find out at the next family meeting...
Sure why not?