O.O wow... i never knew this happened... *covers ears* god damnit!
Mellody didn't reply, she simply just went to walk out.
"And what gives you the right..." Mellody started. "TO HIDE MY OWN BROTHER'S DEATH FROM ME!"
"Oh for god's sake!" Mellody screamed at him throwing him onto his bed.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!?!" Mellody yelled at him grabing him by his collar.
Mellody quickly stepped towards Near, bringing her hand up and slapping as hard as she could, tears now freely brimming down her face. "Don't tell me this sh*t! Dein is not dead!"
"Death certificate...?" Mellody repeated, a single tear fallin to the ground quietly.
Mellody hung her head silently. "What happened to my brother?"
"Don't screw with me!" Mellody yelled at him, kicking his train set. "Has anything happened to Dein?!?!"
"Matt..?" Mellody asked, a little surprised with the name. "Matt's one of Dein's old friends..."
"Just tell me everyhting you've learnt about Kira already!" Mellody demanded.
"Information..." Mellody replied simply.
Mellody opened the door, watching Near play for a few moments. "You're hiding something aren't you...?"
Mellody sighed, walking to her car. five minutes later, Mellody found herself standnig in front of the same door she had left only moments ago...
But let's try Near again... i have the feeling he's hiding something from me now... Mellody thought to herself walking out of the hospital.
ooc: *scatches head* ummm.... sorry? or...?
"Nevermind..." Mellody taunted raising her eye brows as she left the room. If he dosn't have anything, and she won't give me anything then i'll just take the information...
"Because..." Mellody replied ismply. "How do you know what's happened to Near if you don't tell me?" ooc: ^-^' ummm... what were you honestly expecting?
"Then tell me..." Mellody ordered simply.
hi everyone...