ooc: yeah... Mellody's gonna kill 'em all... jk
well... that's just great... please tell me no one else is leaving?
lol, i'll agreewith that. though i don't play it <_< >_> do you want me to send you Heiro's and Alex's bios?
"Now then, do you want me to open your mouth or are you going toopen it yourself?"
Mellody sighed, grabbing his head again and trying to turn it around yet again.
ooc: same here. "Fragile? whatever, now open up."
ooc: Near's gonna regret that... Mellody jumped on him when he said she was heavy.
ooc: lol Mellody was now sitting on him, rummaging through her back. "Now which do you want... a sandwich, a apple or carrots? i promise choclate afterwards if you eat it willingly..."
ooc: ROFL... poor Near XD Mellody quickly rached over for her bag, pulling it over to her.
ooc: i can too XD Mellody, grabbed his head impatiently, trying to turn it around.
"I don't care if it hurt, no open your mouth before i force you too..."
ooc: i'm enjoying playing as her... much better than my usual silent ******* who is getting tackled... XP Mellody leaped at him, every intention on smacking him into the wall and forcing food into his mouth...
Mellody was sick of waiting by now and just charged at him.
i can't add to tis convo.... though, i fence with sticks if that counts... don't think it does though ^-^'
Mellody glared at him. "Do it, or i WILL force you to..."
"That wasn't a question, or a request, now come here before i hurt you..."
"Come here..." Mellody ordered darkly her pace picking up a bit.
lol, interesitng... i don't care for sports to be honest anyways...