bah nah -imitates high speed chase music-
barfs up bomb and throws in air and runs
ooh i see a little love scene going on here
yeah im a boy so no i'll stick to rxa
or the power could totally tear you apart from the inside out
yes the gemans austria and the ottoman empire
no not really no
for grinding your bones
umm pretty much yes here have a bomb * throws bomb to nasirrich
me: wow thats something you don't see everyday kekkou:absolutely
wow i like it it's perfect for me now just a few dead bodies
moving on so whos this guy
i dont get it
not really no
wow thats some speed
can someone please get me out of here im not a an animal
i dunno in an illusion you dont see stuff like that everyday
badly intimidated ha thats nothing ive s-s-seen stronger
uhh -poof- haha that was my blood clone i made oh and sorry about the blood on the floor
makes supersonic noise and runs