OMG!!! He is right!!! This is how I met Roxma, Ctr, Eastercat, and a lot of other people!!!!
...okay.... Mods this is for joo!: :lol:
When you made this did you take Mish's feelings into concideration?
>.> <.< maybe!
Why must you steal Mish's thunder?
This is a random guess, but do you like Inuasha?
I haven't either!!!^^
Wow...that sucks...
:glomp: Sorry...I take things a little too seriously.... That is why I am on Speech and Debate... Once again sorry though^^
Sorry! Besides she asked for another teen not Disney star!
>.< *hides under bed* 26089
Daniel Radcliffe starred in the play Equis and he had to be nude for a few scenes.
Yep I Love that game^^ Why does everyone pick Sparrow TT.TT at GX: ...That's just sickening...
*slaps* Be Nice!!! 26071 It doesn't suck eastercat!!!!
Mish if there was a meating of ultimate super smart peoples who do you think would be invited from this site?
Wow it looks awesome^^ That is Demyx right?? 26066
O.o OMG!!!!!! 26062 I gots the magic number!!!
No matter what, every Organization member takes second place to *fangirl scream* ZEXION!!!!! 26059
Aww.... Eastercat!! :glomp: don't use guilt!!! I hate guilt!!! *Joins in the emo corner* I need to be here anyway...Cause I like Zexion! 26041
Ooh Yeah!!! I got Hotmail and IM blocked at my school^^