Omg!! I is scared of Vivi!!!! *hides*
I am too happy to be emo!^^ *smiles*
Hi Peoples!!! I missed a lot of posts.... *waves feebly* 25942
I know they do suck.... But still I want a Nightmare sequal!!!!!!
I wants to be in a family.... *sad face* 25912
Hi Roxma!!! How was your birthday??? 25905
I know!!!! I have been waiting for Friday FOREVER!!! I won't^^ I actually had to help an idiot with his homework so they pick on me less! You got the hundred^^ 25901
Yay!!! *throws brick too* So how are you?? I hope you do well in school^^ 25899
At our school they call us Frosh?.... Nothing Horribly bad.... Seniors keep attacking us *hides* What are you in?? 25897
Thanks I lurve it too!!! *hugs sig*
Yes Must survive!!!!! I hate being a freshman though...TT.TT 25895
O my God!!! One guy in my class freaked out today because someone mentioned the word gay... It just sickens me when people are that homophobic.... My friend and I were insulting each other (nicely) and he called me gay so this guy freaks out and says "Gays!!! I Hate them they need to go die!!! I mean who the **** likes them....?!?!?!" And I just sat there like....."WTF Man?!?!?!?!?!" I really just wanted to throw up after that....
lol at Speech and Debate we were eating and I started this debate^^ FYI all my friends said Jack Skellington^^ They said Sparrow was good till the third movie!
Hi Peoples!!! *waves feebly* I am going to die from school... 25893
LOL that was on last night^^
People tell me I am too old to talk about it....But then I tell them to STFU!!!
I feel so bad asking this, but what is a rave....