Play as Roxas, and glide during drive. That fixes the T-stancing, I believe. As for the reverting, hold on. I'll see if I can find the code for that. EDIT: Here; E003FDFF 0035B55C 21CFBDEC 003F00AC 01CB992F 00000001 01CC382F 00000001 press R2 and click the reaction command. That should make you revert.
DN Angel. <<
>>" Ohai. ::L:
Obsessed with Tobi, in a good way?
People immediately reject you. I wish I wasn't lazy.
Someone blows up the car with you in it. I wish I had a better internet signal.
Ansem Retort?
Not really unique, I guess, but... I "wake up," Feel too lazy to get out of bed, Stay in some kind of half sleep until my body feels cramped, Sit up and pop a few joints, like crack my neck, my back, fingers, etc. Get up, go to the bathroom, and try to fix the obnoxious tangle of bed hair I get, Go to the dining room and check what time it is, Decide if I want to eat anything or not, (Sweet stuff for breakfast usually gives me slight stomach aches for some reason) Aaand then the rest is pretty much fragmented. Not much of a "routine".
The guy with the hat?
Correct. Or Detective Conan, either one would've been acceptable.
An ace detective gets drugged and now has to solve cases with a huge handicap as he searches for a way to get himself back to normal and find the criminals who did it. ^Easy.
Well, I'd like to narrow it down. I don't think I fear death because of my family. I understand that everyone has to die eventually, and that the people we know and love will also leave us for good as we grow older, or if we live long enough to see the day. Despite everything that's happened, I'm pretty sure my family would be sad if I died, and I don't really like making people sad. But I don't really fear it either, and I know that in time, they might be able to get over it and move on. I thought about it, and I concluded I don't really fear death for the pain either. I don't like pain, never have, never will. Pain makes me think things, and lose hope at times, which I dislike. And though I'm not sure if I fear general pain or not, I don't fear the pain that comes with death. I don't because I know that, at some point, the pain will have to stop and my body will become lifeless. So, I'll just have to grin and bear it until I'm free from it. I'd have to say that I fear the unknown of death. Many people have talked about it, discussed theories on it, etc. People talk about Heaven, Hell, and even reincarnation, but out of all of it, I'm not positive of what comes after death. I don't know what it feels like, what happens during it, or where "I" will end up. and that discomforts me. And at the same time, I'm curious of it. If there really is a heaven, if I actually will be reincarnated, or if I just enter an eternal sleep. Some things about the unknown fascinates me. So, I fear the unknown of death, yet at the same time, I'm fascinated by it. ...I'll be damned if any of this makes any sense. <<
I have Vista, and it seems pretty good. =X
Seen it, laughed at it, downloaded it.
This kid doesn't know ****** games, apparently. =/
No. No you are not. >:
Question, any chance of this being ported to NTSC?