...I think I wrote a poem about this one once. brb finding EDIT: Remember when I said I wrote a poem about this? I meant two. http://loldalk.deviantart.com/art/Hold-You-142984424 http://loldalk.deviantart.com/art/Cherry-Tree-137056456
I don't hate you, but I hate when people stress out over their significant other being gone for a couple of days like this. When Fearless and I were together, she'd be gone for MONTHS at a time. I didn't leave her because I loved her. Chill out.
I vaguely know what you mean.
Yup, as of two days ago you've hade it for forever.
Hey you I like your face :3
I do usually get up at 6 so I can catch the bus.
WATASHI WA DESU KIRA Had to bring that up because of the hair.
Pretty good right now. You?
Crazy party Spoiler I'm dancing Spoiler Chilling afterwards Spoiler
It's so fuzzy 8D
... omg
Harriet Stay very still and don't panic There is a lion trying to get into your pants Just play along until I can go get my stampede
I wish.
I've never once seen ZRW duel come to think of it.
Aren't you like 20?
Serves you right YOU INFERIOR BEING
I have fun there. Spoiler xD