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  1. Aelin
    As the group that came to help departed, Aislinn gave them a small wave though she had not really gotten to know any of them. She then turned back to the group just in time to see her player pin glow, and then three boats appeared. Eager, Hikaru ran forward to claim one, but as he did he stopped moving mid run. At first it was written off as a joke, but then it happened again, and again. While others went to inspect what was happening to their friends, Aislinn summoned her keyblade having a bad feeling whatever they were facing wasn't over yet. She scanned the island for signs of who was doing this instead of running towards the boats, but she wasn't able to make much out before she herself found it impossible to move as her entire being was caught in a pocket of halted time.​
    Post by: Aelin, May 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Chores and routine, that is what this was. It was the first thing that Stamatis did for her when she came to stay with him. He gave her something to do with herself, something familiar. There was no routine here but at least she could help with the chores, or at least those that Take hadn't already done while she was asleep. She didn't rush through the dishes either. Tinarah didn't know what she would do with herself as soon as she was done with the dishes, so she made sure that they would last for a while, taking her time scrubbing the dishes far more than they needed to.

    As she was cleaning dishes, she could sense someone walk up beside her, though she didn't look up. If they wanted to talk, they could talk while she did dishes, and that is exactly what Qamar did as she spoke up.
    "Fine." Tinarah answered the first question, not really feeling like talking all that much at the moment. She then started talking about the food Take was making and the plate of food that she had left. Tinarah nodded as she turned around and collected all the dishes that Take used to make breakfast for everyone else, but he didn't need anymore. Adding those dishes to the pile and putting her head back down as she continued to clean, Tinarah responded to Qamar. "Yeah I made food already, but I am not really hungry. If you want it, you can have it. I would hate for it to go to waste." Tinarah informed her, almost feeling sick to her stomach instead of hungry. Tinarah didn't actually think she would throw up, just wasn't feeling well in general.
    Post by: Aelin, May 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    Take had offered to cook, but Tinarah looked down at the eggs that she was cooking. She already started breakfast so there was no point in taking him up on his offer. On top of that she hadn't cooked for herself in quite some time. Not since she had been with Stamatis at least. She almost never cooked on her own, but often she would help Stamatis in the kitchen. She missed those times. She missed cooking with him, talking with him, the companionship she had. And more than anything, Tinarah realized that she missed smiling. She missed being able to joke and listen to the banter between Fost and Stamatis, her Fost and Stamatis, not the ones in this world. Not the ones that knew nothing about her. Stamatis had known mostly every part of her life, and now all that was gone.

    Tinarah couldn't help but overhear the debate and comments about making the hot chocolate. It sounded like they were all having fun, or at least getting along well, and while a few people greeted her on her way into the kitchen, Tinarah still found herself feeling out side that all. Sure Aria actually stop for at least a moment when she said hi and didn't continue walking past, but in the end she moved on before there was much time to say or do anything. Boreas had greeted her in passing as well, but it was almost better that way with him, since after yesterday Tinarah found herself more afraid of him than she already was. Between the commanding attitude, his points of view, and the break down, Tinarah was finding as little of a reason to trust him as she had in the other realm.

    Dishing the food that she made, Tinarah found herself suddenly not hungry, the more she thought about what she missed. Leaving the plate of food on the counter, she turned to the sink to do her dishes instead. It was a sufficient enough distraction anyways. At the very least she was keeping herself busy even if it had been a result of wasting food. Perhaps if she managed to help fix this world she would feel better. Perhaps if she made things better for others it would make it better for her, or perhaps not. It was a desperate hope for anything to make her feel good about herself and perhaps it was useless, pointless, perhaps it wasn't, but she really didn't have anything better to go off of.
    Post by: Aelin, May 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Waking up in the morning, covered in tears and sweat, Tinarah barely managed to drag herself out of her bed. The events of the previous day left her tired, but she was pretty sure that wasn't what had her in the mood that she was in. It was the dreams. Sure she had nightmares plenty before, and these were no different, but a part of her wanted desperately to leave behind everything that happened in that other realm and learn to get along with some of the others, if for no other reason than to stop her from walling herself off from the others the moment they came near Torrin or Boreas. The dream that was playing itself through her mind that night on repeat made Tinarah still want nothing to do with them.

    Stepping into the bathroom, Tinarah found herself spending a lot more time than normal in there, washing her face trying to wake herself up and wash the tear stains from her cheek. She didn't want anyone seeing that she had been crying. She had worried everyone enough. She had relied on their help and pick-me-ups enough at this point that she really didn't want to have to continue to rely on them. She was a big girl now, she was eighteen, she should be able to deal with things herself, but there she was not able to deal with anything herself. Relying on her friends that were now younger than her to make her feel okay about herself. It didn't feel right or okay. She should be there for them, she should at least pretend she had her life together and that those five years had done something more than left her paranoid and confused.

    Drying her face and looking at the mirror, she could still see that she was a mere shell of the person that she had been just months before with Stamatis and Fost. The fact that she lost weight was only one of many things that she could see in her own reflection. There was also no light in her eyes, and everything just seemed.... pale, and not the pale from her lacking sun, though there was that too. It was more of a lifeless type of pale. She hated to look at herself and threw the towel that she was using to dry her face at the mirror and walked out, opting to get out of her super suite that she had slept in and into the clothing that was lent to her by one of the council members. Finally after a long moment of hesitation in her room, Tinarah found the courage to push open the door and start down the hall to where voices already gathered. It seemed that most people were up before she was, which was not surprising given how long she had spent getting ready for the day.

    Slowly Tinarah walked down the hall and into the main living area. The moment that she set eyes on Torrin however, her eyes immediately dropped to the ground as she felt her heart race.
    "It was just a dream. Just a dream, nothing more." Tinarah whispered to herself as she forced herself closer to everyone. She didn't want to seem weak and in need of comfort at this time. It was barely first thing in the morning, she could at the very least get through this couldn't she? The rumbling in her stomach had her heading towards the kitchen though. At the very least she could manage to make her own food instead of having someone else offer to make it for her. At the very least she knew how to do take care of herself that way.
    Post by: Aelin, May 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    "I promise." There was a big enough mess to deal with already, they didn't really need another one to handle. She would look after her own, whether or not it was for Luna's sake, though the girl asking didn't hurt either. Luna gave get a hug and Karina didn't really know what to do with it. Awkwardly she placed a hand on Luna's back, patting it lightly before Luna took a step back and Karina relaxed from the tense state she was in when the hug began. Koa then went on to ask if he could have another moment with Luna, Karina nodded and turned her attention to everything else that was happening around her.

    Stratos brought up their last goodbye and Karina laughed slightly at it.
    "You know... I still don't quite know what I am fighting for. I am still figuring that out, but Lea went and gave me all this responsibility, then the old man went and left me on my own. I can't very well drag everyone else down while I am scraping to figure out what to do with my life, can I? But thank you. And now I at least know that I am fighting so that I can come back. For the first time in a long time I feel like I have a home to return to, so I will be sure to keep myself, and everyone else safe, so that I can return when the time comes, with my head held high." From there Aeira and Finlay brought up a little bit of an issue with her going with them. Her keyblade could prove problematic, but she wouldn't think about that now.

    "We will deal with that later. I... I can't stay long anyways, but I won't leave until I am sure that everything is under control. If I am just making things worse however, then I will be sure to take my leave, return to where I am needed." She assured them just as Hikaru walked up to give her a hand shake. As he did she felt a cold metal object being placed in her hand. Looking down she saw the recorder that she had thought that she lost when first leaving with Lea. Karina quickly slid it into her pocket, trying not to think about the fact someone else had it, hoping that he had not listened to it. "Thank you." She told him with a half smile, but the recorder made things a little awkward for her. Enough so that she was almost thankful when Shiro jumped up.

    This is where Karina took her step back. She wasn't sure what was going to happen with this reapers game thing, but she was a bit more interested in the discussion around Aux and just what happened with him. Karina wasn't exactly comfortable with what he claimed happened, and she still didn't trust him, but it made a little more sense why he was here and not dead. She decided that this wasn't her battle though, and it would be something to deal with at another time, perhaps when she returned and had time to process it all. For now, she was still liable to try and kill him if he said one wrong thing, and she would prefer not to make anyone retract the welcome that they gave her.

    As the conversation came to an end, Shiro decided that it was time for them to find a way to the realm of light themselves. She supposed with no other guidance, and Oswald now seemingly missing, it was best to just follow what they thought best. Glancing around one last time at her friends, and making sure that everyone she brought was ready to go, Karina approached Shiro. She glanced at Hughes one last time before she was ready to leave, still trying to figure out how he smiled upon death, but trying to clear her head she looked at the man who defeated him.
    "So will you be leading us from now on?" She asked almost desperate to not be left in charge, it was a large responsibility that while she had taken on, she still questioned every decision and having a way out would be welcomed.

    It was rather sweet watching this team with their friend, welcoming her back. Aislinn listened from a distance, watching three different parties, Aux, Karina, and Ananta. They each had a different role in this and Aislinn felt bad for all of them. She went on to listen to Aux's story and Shiro's decision to it. Stepping up behind Stratos, Aislinn smiled at the boy. "Looks like you are stuck with us now. And I wouldn't worry too much about your past, what happened was a result of doing what you thought was right. There is no reason to be ashamed of us. After that you stumbled, but now you have people with you to pick you back up." Aislinn tried to offer. She knew that her attitude tended to get on his nerves, but she still wanted to make sure he knew that they were all there for him anyways. So if some cheesy words were what it took to get that across, so be it. ​
    Post by: Aelin, May 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    Thankfully Take had agreed to come up with her, and in the end, he did all the speaking so she didn't have to. It was a mix between the fact she was generally anxious about speaking to people, and that she didn't want to be the one taking the healing when others needed it, but either way she found herself standing with Take while he got healing for the two of them. Of course Thallasa had no issues healing them and was able to make her feel a lot better and looking over at Take, he seemed to be doing better himself. Tinarah was still having issues to do with rest and malnutrition, but with the injuries taken care of, she could at least stand on her own better and not be in nearly as much pain. "Thank you Master Thallasa." Tinarah gave her a bit of a bow as she went to attend to others who needed healing. When she was gone, Tinarah then turned to Take. "Thanks for coming with me..." She didn't want to admit that she was nervous but it was clear in her voice. "I-I should go rest, but if you ever need anything let me know."

    Heading off Tinarah found herself the room she stayed in the night before despite it being more tattered now. She curled in bed and sleep took her quickly, but not a restful sleep. With all that had been going on, and without having nearly as heavy of exhaustion as the last night that she had slept, nightmares crept into her dreams. Mostly of Torrin, his threats... Mika's death, even her own. She watched as Torrin tried to stab her again and again, his face switching from old to young, but the dream always shifted before she died. By the time first light awoke her, tears stained her face.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    Finally they were leaving and there was nothing that Gavin or Zephyr could do to stop Thea from coming along. She followed close by Kyo and Izra, but not close enough to hear them speak. She just preferred to stay near the ones that didn't question her ability to be here. At this point she was already getting a bit annoyed with the boys and how protective they were being over her. That being said she didn't completely understand what was going on with the council and the trouble she was in with them. No one quite let her on to their worries about her magic, but that was okay. She just wanted to help and didn't want people to stop her. If she got that then she was happy.

    As they got closer, noises were heard from beyond and Izra stopped them, warning them of what they were to face. Thea summoned her flames to her hand.
    "Don't worry Kyo, they won't get close enough to hurt me!" Thea informed him rather proudly. She never liked to get too close to the people she was fighting so she was sure that she would be fine. Glancing to Gavin and Zephyr, Thea assumed they were ready as well. She placed herself a little bit behind them, waiting for the creature to approach. While she wanted to fight, Thea was not stupid enough that she thought being close to the enemies were a good idea and she knew in some senses the boys were stronger than she was. They could at the very least take a hit better than her.

    Evertte turned to run through the streets when he heard his name and Samuel running up. Turning back he rejoined with the Chief and Samuel as Samuel explained that Renza was okay. Just as they started to speak more villagers showed up. More people were dead and more of the water was contaminated. Biting at his lip, Everette tried to think of what they were to do. They needed to wait for Conrad, but they couldn't waste too much time waiting. There was trouble and it was only getting worse.

    "Sam we have to go now. Lets head in the direction of the inn, the moment Conrad walks out that door we are heading towards the river. We can't let them get too far ahead of us. No rest for the wicked it seems. Sorry I know you have been working hard all day." He hated to push Sam more, he needed the rest, but what could he do? They finally had a decent idea of what to do to stop this from happening, and they was going to have to stop it sooner rather than later. Running ahead Everette tried to take lead, not running directly to the inn but rather just near enough that Conrad could see them and follow.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 3.

    In Fifth place we have @Rat
    In Fourth place we have @GarrettFinch
    In Third place we have @LadyAzura
    In Second place we have @Day~Dream
    And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt

    Well the fun is almost over. This past week the contestants finished their last challenge, and all that is left is for the votes and judging to be done. There is still time to turn the tides of the contest as long as you vote and have your say in who's witty sense of humour deserves to win. So time to reveal their final challenge:


    Contestant 1:
    Contestant 2:
    Contestant 3:
    Contestant 4:
    Good luck everyone, I look forward to announcing the winner come next week. Come Sunday May 6th we will have our new Mr or Mrs KHV
    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 29, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  9. Aelin
    70 crowns spent on 7 defense bringing defense up to 30, and obtaining paladin.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 29, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Aelin
    Forever a jack*ss it seemed, but at the same time she couldn't help but smile at him. Home, this was her home now even though she claimed to have none, she had not realized how horribly wrong she was. The entire time she was with them, Karina tried to push this group away, but now here they stood, supporting her in whatever ways that they could. Here was her family and her home, but she couldn't stay, not yet. Arctus walking up behind her and looking at her keyblade reminded her of that.

    "Do you want to see it?" She handed her keyblade over so he could get a better look. Arctus had shown interest in it before and she doubted anyone else would let him get anywhere near theirs.
    "Each chain in this pouch changes the keyblade to some other form, but this form... while I haven't seen it before, I know that it is mine." Karina explained to him as she turned back to the group for a moment. To her friends who supported her, Kel making it seem like it was nothing at all, even when it meant everything to her. "It is what brought us together in the first place, to this family. And I will have to return to them eventually, and maybe one day you can earn it for yourself and join me, but don't worry I won't be going too far yet." Karina assured Arctus before turning back to the group of friends awaiting to welcome her home.

    "I can't come home yet, there is still a lot of loose ends to tie up." Karina started to tell them, playing with her ring a little bit. "Lea is gone... or dead, his keyblade shattered. Yue is gone. Nequa escaped from us again, and two of our own are missing. Lea left me in charge of the groups that he wasn't with, so I suppose this is my mess to clean up. I can't just leave everyone, as capable as they are, to deal with all this on their own. I will come home as soon as I can, I promise. But I made a promise to myself and Lea and I think there is still more growing that needs to be done. Besides, you are keyblade masters, I can't possibly hope to keep up with you all yet. Don't think I have gone soft though, when I see you all again, I promise there will be no more tears and if anyone brings it up their teeth will be shattered." There was a light heartedness to her threat, more of a challenge of keeping her strength and resolve strong more than actually wanting to hurt anyone.

    Her eyes passed over everyone then rested on Koa who was standing with his arm around Lun
    a. "I will need all the help I can get. I am sorry Luna but I will keep him safe." She then eyed Aux, the person who kind of started this whole moment. "And I don't know what is going on with you. I know I have wanted you dead for a very long time, but I also know I am not the only one. The fact that you are standing here and not dead says something has changed and I guess it isn't my place to pass judgement, but I expect when I get back for this all to be sorted and there to be a very good explanation." She then stepped closer to Aux. "But know, if I am wrong about all this and you hurt any one of these people, I will hunt you relentlessly and you will pay for it." With that she stepped back and looked to Finlay, Aeira, Koa, Vallus, and Arctus. "Thanks for following me into war but it is time we protect our own." It was time to head back to the realm of darkness and sort out the mess that they left. While Karina wanted to stay here with her friends now, she knew that she couldn't. Lea had tried so hard to help her change and show her the way, he had put trust in her and gave her a responsibility, she wouldn't run from it the first chance she got. After all she had always wanted to join her fathers army when she was a child, and this was what it meant to be a part of an army. She had to follow orders and look after those around her. She wouldn't be able to do that by running, but she couldn't stay there forever either. As soon as it was all sorted she would return to her friends, but no sooner than that.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    It was nice that he was worrying about her and all and Tinarah smiled back at him as he threatened to shove a potion down her throat, but she still just stood there for a moment, not convinced that she wanted to go. "I just... Qamar and Chrono pretty much used up the last of their magics to get me up, and keep me up earlier. They did their best to heal me, and the fact I kept getting hurt, it is my own fault. I would rather not have someone else run out of magic before they could heal the others that really need it, if that makes any sense. But.... I will go, only if you come with me and get healing too." She gave him a small smile, a compromise. Tinarah believed herself the last person who deserved healing, but if Take was going to insist that she got it, she would insist that he came with her. They both needed it after all. If she could she would have healed him herself, but her magic was still running a bit dry at the moment. Take said he didn't think it was going to be the end of seeing people die, but Tinarah wasn't going to accept it, if Take was going to protect them, he needed his strength, just as she needed hers if she wanted to be of use here. She couldn't keep healing people if she couldn't stay conscious herself after all.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Tinarah stared at the statue as Take explained. He then made a comment about being a bit faster and Tinarah shook her head. "I don't think it would have made much of a difference if you were one minute faster or not. The most damage we suffered wasn't from the heartless. And honestly, personally this is the best shape I had been in for a while, one minute wouldn't have made a difference, but another five might have. Be thankful you managed to stop it when you did because if it had taken much longer... I don't think I would be standing here right now." She was barely standing as it was, another beating like she had been taking and she would really not be in a good shape, if she even made it through. "I am just thankful you managed to stop it." She told him trying to be encouraging before he asked about her.

    "Well... everything hurts, my stomach is bothering me again, I watched two people die and couldn't stop it from happening, and I made Chrono worry again. All in all not great." She didn't care to share how close to passing out she was, she didn't want her issues to be a priority, she would rather let everyone else get the care they needed first, but it was hard to claim she was fine, when anyone with eyes could see that she was not. She then thought she should clarify, since Take thought if he was faster it would have made a difference. "They died fighting each other, no the heartless. I don't think anyone would have stopped the rage in that boys heart. If that chasm didn't open he would have killed as many of us as he could before falling, and... he would have been able to do it too." Tinarah glanced over at Qamar who was in a bad shape. All it would have taken was one more moment, then Qamar would have fallen and he would have killed her too. No matter how quick Take was, he couldn't stop that.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    Of course it was natural that Chrono was not so convinced about the fact that she wanted to go back. After all she shared more about the bad times than the good, and perhaps she had not made her plan clear enough. "Chrono, you all die in that time... I died in that time, but when I was a lot younger it seemed. I do not wish to return to the time where I left from. If I can, I am going to return to the time I was training with Master Stamatis, when he attempted to send me home. Then I can inform them of what Torrin will become and maybe we can stop it before it becomes too bad. If not that, then at least I could be there in the initial fight and help stop all this from happening. A gave his life so I could live in that world, and I left when it got hard. I made him a promise when I left, his sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing, I would return and fix things, because right now I am the only one who knows how bad it will get there. How can I leave them, all of you to that fate?" Tinarah tried to explain herself as she took Chrono's hand and got up, supporting herself on him for the walk back towards the mansion.

    Arriving back, Thallasa mentioned moving on the following day, as well as having aditional healing to offer. At this point Tinarah wouldn't say no to the healing and since the offer wasn't coming from Boreas, perhaps she was brave enough to speak up. That being said she was quickly distracted when she saw Take off to the side, staring a statue, one of the only things that was still standing in one piece it seemed. It was odd, and more than that, having just been a situation of feeling lonely, not wanting anyone else to feel that, Tinarah pushed off her brother.
    "I am going to talk to Take." She limped over to the boy, forgetting about the extra healing that was being offered that she needed, and forgetting about the issue of not wanting to move to another world yet, not when this one was in such bad shape.

    "Are you okay?" She asked as she approached Take, her left arm crossed over holding her ribs on the right side. She was favouring her right side but tried to ignore it for the time being. "I didn't really see you all battle, what happened with you? What is so interesting about the statue?" Tinarah tried to ask him, not really sure how to adress this. She didn't know what was wrong, or if something even was wrong. Perhaps he just was tired and zoning out. Perhaps he liked art and the statue was just interesting, but she found it wasn't too often that Take was completely alone, he usually was at least around trying to help someone, and he helped her before, she thought it was time to return the favour.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Master. Like he needed to rub that in her face more. There was many good moments with Beuce, he had saved her life and lost his arm in the process, which now was replaced by a glass on, but apparently he was still a bit of a dick. She didn't want to even turn around and face, but with a hand on her shoulder, he turned her and she was left facing him and Ignis who came up with her keychains in hand, shoving them into her hand. Karina held them tentatively as she looked at the other girl who started speaking to her about not throwing them away so easily. She didn't want to throw them away but she though... she would never let go if she kept holding onto them, and if she wasn't wanted she didn't want to hold on to the pain either. Still she wasn't ready to give them up yet. Karina offered Ignis a nod of thanks as she didn't actually trust her voice at this moment.

    As Ignis backed off, Beuce faced her again, his next words hit her far harder than she had thought they would. Prove herself? He held his keyblade to her, then the words came.

    "In your hand, take this key."

    Karina reached out and took his keyblade in her hand, she had already broken enough at this point, there was no point holding back the tears that were starting to line her eyes. She stared at Beuce as suddenly someone else stepped forward offering her the hilt of their keyblade as well, speaking before she had the chance to take it.

    "So long as you have the makings... Then through this simple act of taking...."

    Kaida, she also thought to take part in this, though she almost looked horrified a moment ago when Karina tried to attack Aux. She wasn't quite sure what to make of all this but she smiled at the girl as the next person approached. Kel. He was probably one of the closest things to a friend she had during her time in SoS, between him and Stratos it always made her feel a little better, and he had always challenged her to be better, and get stronger. A friend and rival and now he had also stepped forward to offer the power that she needed when she so desperately needed it.

    "Its wielder you shall one day be."

    "And you will find me, friend—."

    The tears were warm against her face as Stratos walked up. She didn't know what it was about the word friend that finally broke that line of tears that were building. But as she still held Beuce's keyblade she felt an overwhelming feeling that she never felt before and she honestly just wanted to hug the boy at this point, but it wasn't done yet, not as another voice rung out.

    "No ocean will contain you then..."

    While her and Luna might not have had the most solid of pasts, and while they might have tried to murder each other at least once each, here they stood, face to face and Karina found there was no anger in her heart towards the girl. Whatever she had been harbouring before that caused her to block the girl out, it was gone and she saw her in almost a new light. The smile she wore, she was almost glowing and the crown... well Karina had not been the only one who had been growing during this time.

    "No more borders around, or below, or above..."

    Steel, her past with him was even rockier than her one with Luna. She had not talked to Steel much until she landed in the realm of darkness, and she could still remember the disaster that was. The way that he acted towards her, and she towards him, it was almost strange that he would step up now, but looking in his eyes she didn't see any sort of twisted intent. He wasn't doing this for his own amusement, it was sincere despite everything that they had been through. If even he could forgive her... perhaps it was time to learn to forgive herself.

    Lastly the first person she met when she came to SoS, one of the first friendly faces after weeks of running approached, but instead of offering her a keyblade like the rest, he held something else in his hand.

    "So long as you champion the ones you love..."

    Opening his fist sat a ring as he explained why he had them all made and that he had one made for her as well. Karina let go of Beuce's Keyblade, taking the ring in her hand and slipping it on her finger. "Thank you." Her voice was breaking and barely audible as she looked at everyone and then turned back to Beuce. "Thank you... for stopping me. I don't think I could have ever forgiven myself if I had walked away." She admitted tears streaming down her face. She hated crying around people but she couldn't help it, not when she had a feeling that she never felt before, love and acceptance. With her damaged shattered heart, it was like this was filling some of those cracks. It would be a long time until it was okay, but it was a start. She looked to Ananta silently, not approaching her though. Perhaps it took breaking the stone to ever really change. She had tried when she left, but only by hardening her heart more. When it was completely broken, only then could it be rebuilt.

    She didn't know what impulse it was, where it came from, but in her teary eyed state she took a step towards Beuce and hugged him.
    "Thank you... and I am sorry again. I am sorry I caused you to lose an arm, I am sorry I am such a mess and have distracted from the real problems." She knew that they had been trying to deal with another issue when this all started, and she felt a bit bad about it, but she was grateful that they would all just step away from it for her, even if she didn't believe herself to be worth it, they did. That meant everything to her. Stepping back she looked at the group and tried to show them that their efforts were not for nothing as she closed her eyes and summoned Daunting Renewal, for all to see.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    As she gnashed out at Ananta, Beuce held firm and Steel tried to tell her to calm down, well more both of them to stop. There was a sense of relief that this wasn't just being pinned all on her, they recognized that Ananta was just as much at fault, but the more Ananta spoke, the more the weight of her words hit Karina. Karina looked up to the still smiling corpse of Hughes, his words still eating at her. The words from the two of them weighted on Karina's chest with a force similar to the force needed to break stone. The only reason that she knew that was because she felt her own heart breaking as Ananta posted to everyone and said that they could never have a relationship. From what she could gather from that it was referring to her and everyone else, she would never fit in, never be accepted. No where, ever.

    As Karina's heart started to break, she stopped trying to fight and just stopped doing everything. From her side she grabbed a small pouch and threw it at the feet of those around her. Beuce was trying to sooth her with words, assure her that what Ananta was saying was not going for everyone, but she wasn't sure that she was convinced. From the pouch came out a ring holding keychains. They were ordered in the order that she had gotten them, all of them well polished and taken care of compared to everything else on her being. She had not been taken care of herself to her fullest and yet these were perfectly cleaned and cared for, something that she held onto it seemed.
    "Well I have nothing else left, you guys may as well have those as well." She said in a rather grim, broken tone. "I will take my 'boyfriend' and leave then if that is what you really want. What do I know about the situation anyways, it wasn't like I was there every time he showed up." Karina grumbled, but at this point it wasn't what was bothering her and that was pretty clear as she couldn't even look anyone in the eyes anymore, but still lingered near Beuce.

    She hadn't realized that she was crying until a tear hit the ground at her feet. Apparently she couldn't even hold on to her dignity.
    "Thanks for trying Beuce, but clearly I am too much of a lost cause to even try to be here. It seems you guys didn't need our help after all, I will leave before I cause more problems." More than anything she wanted a reason not to go, but she felt like she wasn't wanted here and all her efforts, all her running from herself, then facing her past when Hughes appeared, it was for nothing. "By the way Kaida, that dick wiped blood on your back. Vinegar might help if you clean it soon." It was the last bit of help she could really bother to offer at this point before turning away from the group, reaching for the pouch she just threw them, and instead feeling the empty space at her side, creating a bigger void in Karina.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Things were a little chaotic around her and there wasn't much that Tinarah wanted to say. She didn't know how she could have been of help in any of this, it was better that she just didn't involve herself. While she was trying to avoid everything though her brother came and sat next to her. Always the comforter it seemed. "I'm..." Tinarah had to think for a moment, not just on how she was doing, but what she wanted to tell her brother. She didn't really want to worry him more after all. "I am not well... I am confused and lonely and... I wish I was back." She sounded almost desperate. "I am sorry Chrono. It's just... it is not the same. They were my family and if I could even talk to Stamatis... or Uncle Fost just sort things out here it could be okay, but I can't and it isn't. Every time I try to do something it isn't enough. Every time I try and make friends again I can't, and my head hurts and everything hurts and I thought I was stronger, I thought my extra training had given me an edge, but it hasn't. I still can't keep up with any of you and..." Tinarah sighed. "I thought things were bad when I was terrified to leave my room, but now I can go out but everything I seem to do brings back memories, good, bad, but mostly bad." She admitted. So much for not wanting to worry Chrono, she supposed she just needed to talk, couldn't hold it in any longer.

    Torrin had commented he was going to deal with the town himself and they needed to go and rest, but Tinarah didn't think anyone staying around alone was a good idea. Torrin might have been strong but if something went wrong, someone should be there. Chrono showed interest in helping too, but Tinarah wasn't sure if that was a good idea.
    "I don't think we all need to stay, but..." She looked at Torrin. "Despite it all, I want to finish at least one thing I started." She stated as everyone started to get up to go. Tinarah looked over at her brother looking a little embarrassed. "Do you think you could help me up?"
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    Everything around her froze, she was stuck in time and there was nothing that she could do about it. Karina could still see Aux and was still seething in anger ready to punch him again. She was more than a little annoyed about all this and while she might not have known about what was currently going on, she knew that Aux was bad. She had watched him step in her way many times, cause a lot of pain and a lot of hurt. He was the reason she didn't have a keyblade anymore. He was indirectly the cause of where she was now. As she thought about it more and got more angry, suddenly the world started to move around her again, but she still couldn't fully move, as the voice of a familiar, cocky silver haired man rang in her ears. While she didn't hate him as much as she used to, he was still in his way of getting what she wanted. "If you want my opinion, he has made a mess of everything and deserves everything that is coming to him!" Karina growled as she stared Aux down as he actually said it was okay for her to punch him. She was certainly going to take him up on that offer. Karina pulled against Beuce hard in order to get those punches in, but stopped as Ananta started to speak.

    Looking towards where Ananta was addressing Arctus she grit her teeth.
    "He isn't my boyfriend." She wasn't sure what they were and that wasn't really the issue here, Karina was just mad. Get over herself is that what needed to happen? Really? Did she not remember all that Aux had put them through? Karina pulled at Beuce again, this time in the direction of Ananta. "Do you even remember why I didn't accept your apology? Did you listen to a word I said then? You claim I come in here without listening when I was busy dealing with other issues and you couldn't take the time to understand what I was saying straight to your face! I don't care for your apology! I have moved on! So should you! What I can't move on from is how much pain he has caused. How many times he stopped us from doing what we were supposed to do! I don't care what you think of me, if they want to talk, then they can, but I won't listen to another word out of your face. Even try and I guarantee you won't be able to talk for a week!" Karina yelled at Ananta. She thought that she had gotten her anger under control a bit by this point, but as she was quickly finding out, just how far gone she really still was.

    While her strength was strong, Beuce was still strong enough to hold Karina back, at least while she was in a blind rage. Perhaps if she was concentrating her force instead of just thrashing wildly at Beuce then she could have a chance, but instead she was just angry. Before Ananta spoke up she was possibly willing to listen, but the more Ananta spoke the more angry Karina got, and the more she hated herself. Her nails were digging into her palms, her fists shaking. At this moment, Karina didn't know who she hated more, but there had to be a pretty damn good reason coming for Karina not to murder Aux.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    "Nothing. I just. I hate that guy. He knew what buttons to push and how to push them. The funny thing is, it was the smallest, most insignificant thing he said and did that got to me the most, and I hate myself for it." Was it worth even telling Arctus about it? She didn't tend to talk about her problems with anyone, why change now? "How can someone smile in death? Whatever sick pride he took in taunting me, it worked." She didn't know why she was still speaking but at the very least she wasn't going to admit that she felt that she didn't even know how to smile herself. That was a secret that stayed with her.

    As she spoke with Arctus however she started overhearing conversation, mostly a certain name.
    "Wait a moment! That is Aux?! I am going to murder him!" Her knuckles were white at her side, not even listening to anything anyone else had to say as she walked straight up to the red haired boy. "So you finally decided to stop hiding behind that damned mask and mocking laugh. Unfortunately for you the strongest haven't lost hope. Whatever you think you might have broken in me that day, I have been through thousand times worse. I will not let you have whatever satisfaction you think you will get out of this." Her fist connected with his face. The last time she saw him, he had thrown her in the realm of darkness, but she had only grown since then. Weapon or not she would not let him walk away this time.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    "Gah!" Cerdic cried out as he felt the dark energy of Ria trying to zap at him, like it was sucking the life from him for a brief moment before Alder stepped in to slash at it and free him. Taking a few steps back, Cerdic rubbed his wrist where it had grabbed him. "I am fine. We just need that machine to hurry up." Cerdic grabbed his keyblade with both hands. He hated the idea of being indebted to Alder for saving him, but what could he do? "Thanks, I guess I owe ya!" Cerdic called to Alder before he turned back to Ria. He was pissed now and just wanted her gone. Stepping forward Cerdic took several swings at the mass of darkness that was forming. No more defense, he would push Ria out of this cave if that was what it took to buy the time for the machine to finish booting up fully.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 26, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Aelin
    In all honestly, seeing Aria get some patching up, Tinarah thought that it would be nice, but looking at who was offering it. After what just happened with Boreas, how insane he went on Chrys and after she left, after she walked away from the battle and showed no interest in harming them, he scared her more than most. She didn't want to even talk to him, much less have him that near to her. After the quick word from Aria, she turned her attention to others, and getting patched up and Tinarah lowered her eyes again. There was still a crippling feeling of loneliness as everyone was taking care of each other. There was always someone more important, there was always someone more hurt, someone more interesting than her. Wincing she tried to move her knees to her chest. Everything was hurting and it was a struggle to even sit up like that. Her stomach growled and hurt, a pain that was from more than the injuries she sustained. A pounding in her head, just below an old scar only brought bad memories. She tried to ignore the pain, the memories, but with so much around her and nothing she could do it was all she could think about.

    Touching the hourglass necklace that she wore all she could think of was how she wanted to go back. Trying to make friends was harder than she thought it would be, and while she was lonely with Stamatis and Fost, she was never this lonely with this many people around. She supposed that she wasn't as good as any of them. After five years of training she was pretty much on par with how strong all these people were and they had only been training for a few days, even then she wouldn't call herself on par. She had fallen unconscious once, and even now she was bordering on it again. She was not the strongest, she was not the tankiest, she was okay at healing, but looking around that was not enough to have actually made a difference, two people had died after all. Sure one of them was their enemy, but she didn't wish for anyone to have died. She was unable to protect anyone, people were still hurt and unconscious, they were still all in horrible shape, she as much as anyone else. She didn't want to see anyone else die, but she was quickly learning that she couldn't keep everyone safe and up, not without sacrificing herself to the point of not being able to even stand. As soon as this realm was safe. When she could leave and know that her friends were safe... even if they didn't feel like friends at the time, then she would. She would fulfill her promise to A. She just needed to last a little longer.

    Torrin spoke about them needing to rest up and then move on, but that didn't seem right, not when she looked at the shape of this world. They had saved it from falling to darkness, yes, but given the condition it was left in, she wouldn't call them safe. At least Take agreed with what she was thinking without her even having to say anything.
    "I agree...." She started quietly, though she didn't think her opinion even mattered at this point. She wasn't sure if she wanted to speak up even, but it was too late now. "I don't feel right leaving them now." She didn't feel like going into details, she was sure they wouldn't care, Take essentially already said it all anyways. Tinarah hated this feeling of being alone and she knew that she should try harder but the people she wanted to talk to were all so popular, there was always someone better that needed their attention, leaving her behind. She wondered if she could even get herself all the way to Mode's house, but she was going to have to find a way. She couldn't be weak and relying on others forever, it would be no way to find herself a place in this group. If she kept relying on them, she may as well wait at the council's castle. At least there she could sort out what to think about Stamatis and what was going on with that.

    Speaking of Stamatis, Fost had promised that they would be in touch. He seemed less willing to figure things out than Stamatis, but that said she only knew that Stamatis wanted to make an effort because Gero told her. But she still wanted to hear from Uncle Fost again. She wanted to get to know this version of him. Perhaps it was a pathetic attempt to get her old life back, but she still wanted to try. She couldn't help but wonder how long she should wait for him to call her, or when it was okay to call him again. She had some questions to ask now that she saw these notes. She wanted to know if they truly were about A and what happened with him in this time line. But she also just... she wanted a close relationship again, she wanted to laugh and smile, and it seemed... easier... than trying to insert herself into a place she felt she didn't really belong.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena