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  1. Aelin
    So they were gone, Yue after all that was gone. Karina grit her teeth hating Nequa more with each passing moment. "I don't know what her full plans are, but I know that she needs to be stopped. I know I promised my friend that I would deal with her for him. And I know I am not backing down from this. So from how I see it you have no one and nothing anymore. If you want a chance to stop Nequa you are going to need help. After all a dead girl can't sneak into the hide out easily, and alone you might struggle to not get in the way of others." Karina stated rather blandly as she stared down Lima more. She might have been tolerating the girl, but there was still a tense sense of watching and ready for anything.
    Post by: Aelin, May 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    The tendrils that had been holding him may have been severed, but Cerdic was hurt and he couldn't make much of a move to do anything barely even able to keep to his feet. Thankfully he noticed the blinking of the extractor as Alder lurched forward to hit the button, starting the damn thing already. Dazed and watching Cerdic hadn't realized he was collapsing from exhaust and injury until he hit the floor and Daeni was there soon after to drag him away. She set him down shoving a potion at him and scolding him, but Cerdic didn't know why. Pushing the potion back and struggling into a sitting position himself he turned back to her. "It is nothing to prove, just putting everyone before myself like a person should. You know as well as I do that you needed to stay out of it's hands, and the extractor needed to work if we wanted to keep everyone safe. I just swallowed my pride and did what I had to in order to make that happen, even if that meant dying." Cerdic snapped a bit at her, not wanting to be lectured or babied for what he did. Sure he was sore, and barely conscious, but taking the potion, giving into her lectures would imply that she was right, he had been trying to prove something. Perhaps now he was, but all he was trying to prove is that he was not doing this for some selfish reason.

    As he dragged himself up away from Daeni, the extractor slowly turning on and getting started, cerdic was able to witness the creature that had been tormenting them, getting destroyed. From there he watched as three hearts were freed, followed by a fourth that had found it's way out of Daeni. He watched them exit the cave but did not follow, he had a feeling he knew where they were going now that they were freed. After they were gone, Cerdic turned back to the others left in the cave. His memories returned to him and Cerdic found himself rather disappointed in them. He had liked to believe himself the hero of the story, but the more that he remembered, the more he realized that he wasn't that at all. If anything he was a tag along, ever the rich kid, seeking adventure only to sit on the side lines. Everything that he had convinced himself of during his time without memories seemed to be wrong, even the relationships he had with some people. What came as the most surprise to him though, was that those yellow eyed birds were not actually evil. He still was a little convinced they were though.

    Turning to the other three that had survived this with him, smiling inspite of his battered state, he just looked at them.
    "Lets finish this." He finally told them, looking at the portal, knowing that Chrono or Alder would know what to do now.
    Post by: Aelin, May 30, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Aelin
    Hearing that someone had been tracking her activities for some time now really bothered Karina. She shifted on her feet as she watched the girl dig through the rubble continuing her story. When she was done and explained her current intentions, Karina smiled at her a bit. "Unfortunately for you I already promised someone that I would kill Nequa for them. But an extra hand never hurt." What was wrong with her, inviting the enemy to help them. For all Karina knew, she could be a spy. That being said the emotion in her voice, there was something genuine about it, something that she couldn't ignore. "Unless you truly believe yourself strong enough to take her on by yourself. Though if that is the case then have fun dying. We will be here looking for the information we actually want." Karina stated starting to look around the rubble herself for any possible signs of Yue. She would consider it a blessing if she didn't find a body.
    Post by: Aelin, May 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Oh just another person trying to get under her skin. "What do you know about me? Certainly I am not important enough for Nequa to care about what happened in my life. Uniform certainly didn't have all the information there, and he was just a prick who used anything against me that he could think of. It was pathetic really. Even as I killed him he still thought he could win by taunting me. So why don't you stop throwing words around and deal with your problems. Funny while you seem to take pride in doing things alone, I have learned that trying to do it alone is the worst thing I can do, friends make you stronger. I hate to say it but I wouldn't be where I am now without them." Karina pointed out holding her head up high. "So why are you here in the first place?" Karina tried to calm her nerves and not jump into battle right away, but she wanted to know what was going on, why Lima was rummaging and barely paying mind to them.
    Post by: Aelin, May 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    As they approached the lab that they tried to face down Nequa, Kiara recognized a familiar figure. Karina snarled a bit as Shiro called out to her. "Shut up old man." Karina demanded of Shiro as Lina pushed passed them, purposely pushing into her shoulder. Summoning her keyblade, Karina faced Lima. "Like I am letting you walk away from this, or run like you did last time. Coward letting everyone else die." A bluff, it was a bluff and she knew it. Karina didn't know what happened to everyone, but she knew that Uniform had gotten out after fleeing into the lab, and he had died now. "Uniform particularly screamed. It was rather fun watching him throwing a fit before he died." Karina taunted her as she prepared for a fight, she was picking a fight. With her keyblade back now, she was looking forward to testing her strength once again.
    Post by: Aelin, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    "I know... I know that being afraid just means that I am letting him win. I didn't want that. I am trying to learn to not let it control me, but it is hard. I look at Torrin and I just can't help but see his face too." It was a hard thing for Tinarah to really explain how she felt about everything. She couldn't really make Take see things from her view. That being said as Take started to come up with some idea for her, Tinarah let out a bit of a snort of surprise and amusement. "I am messed up, but I am not that baaaaa-d." Tinarah replied attempting to make a joke of her own. Still after she said it, her eyes remained mostly down and sad. She was trying but there was only small sparks of life in her soul still. "I don't think imagining him controlled by a goat would help. But I want to learn to see Torrin differently. I don't want to see him as evil as I do, because listening to him earlier I can tell he isn't like that. I hoped staying, helping him here would help me get over things, but I don't know. We will see." Tinarah admitted.
    Post by: Aelin, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin

    Thank you all who participated in KHVC this month. I am so excited to have new people joining and to be covering such a wonderful song like Weight of the World. Everyone did amazing jobs. If anyone is interested in joining future KHVC's you can find all the information for them here:
    Thread by: Aelin, May 27, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  8. Aelin
    As Take responded to her, Tinarah bowed her head, trying to hide the tears she could feel pushing against the corners of her eyes. Tinarah did her best to hold them back. Did her best not to sound upset as he spoke. She wasn't upset at Take and wasn't mad at him for making her upset, she could just feel the pressure on herself and the consequences of what she was doing. "I... I don't know what I would do with that information. I guess. I am grasping at straws here Take. I am doing anything I can think of to try and make that Torrin less scary I guess. I don't want to live my life afraid of a man who most likely won't do anything to me, just because somewhere else, in another time he did do something to me. Maybe... Maybe if he loved Mika, maybe if he loved one of my only friends, truly loved her and cared, I could forgive him easier. I don't know. I would have asked her but I can't!" Take then asked if that was what she was doing to her brother, and Tinarah couldn't bring herself to even look at Take. Her eyes remained down and her hands almost shook slightly, causing her to grip on to her glider until her knuckles were white. "I'm sorry. Please...don't leave." She just needed someone there. Too many times did she melt down with Aria and see the girl unable to handle it all and shut down on her. The last thing Tinarah needed right now was to be alone. She needed to figure herself out, but she knew now that she couldn't do that on her own, and right now Take was the person that she could talk to, so she would. Maybe he would be of help, but just being there was enough. She had spent too much time alone with her own thoughts in the prison, now she just ached for company and companionship again. She hadn't had it for months, not truly, and before that years without seeing anyone near her age. Perhaps she was clinging on too much, but at least it was better than pushing everyone away again, or at least she hoped so.
    Post by: Aelin, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Alright June is upon us, and that means new chorus for us to do. This month is just a regular chorus, I randomly selected 4 songs from your general nominated songs, and now it is time for you to vote for which one you want to do. You have until May 3rd to get your votes in. The song options for this month are:

    Original | Karaoke
    Stand Out - Goofy Movie
    Original | Karaoke
    Original | Karaoke
    Stand Out - Goofy Movie
    Original | Karaoke
    Post by: Aelin, May 27, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  10. Aelin
    While Tinarah didn't quite know what she expected, she did know that it wasn't what the reaction that she got. Torrin seemed to take great offense to it and ran off. Tinarah turned back to Take who pulled up beside her. She stared at him for a long moment before thinking of what to say. "I suppose you can say it is an evil Torrin thing.... I mean he was married to her in that realm, but I do also know that some of the emotional things carry over. And you see how Nini acts with him but how he tends to avoid her. There has to be something, I am not sure exactly what it is, but that is why I asked." Tinarah tried to defend herself as she looked over at Torrin. "Honestly... I hoped he would say yes. I mean the other Torrin killed Mika for helping me and maybe if he loved Mika here then I could believe that the other Torrin did at least love her at some point. I don't know. I might not be making sense. I feel like nothing I say makes sense anymore. I was just curious and maybe it was a mistake trying to talk to him. It has been hard for both of us." Tinarah pointed out. She felt like she made a mistake trying to talk to him. She clearly made a mistake with her words and it was not making things easier between the two of them.
    Post by: Aelin, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    There was not much he could do like this, even so Cerdic still struggled against the creature holding him in place, putting his force into struggling and making things difficult on it. "Don't worry about us. there is much more important things to deal with." Cerdic argued. If the machine broke then they would all end up dead at this rate. Perhaps if they could fix what they started though, things wouldn't be nearly as bad for them, or at least Cerdic hoped that would be the case. But if making sure this worked meant leaving himself in harms way, then he would do it, he had no choice but to do it, he was the least important one there and wouldn't let them protect him over what they needed to protect.
    Post by: Aelin, May 25, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Aelin
    Keeping watch off to the side, something of interest was brought up in the conversation with the duck person. Costume people heading into a warehouse. The bowler hat thing seemed weird and off at first, but everything else could be of some help. Even the hats, Torrin brought up something that actually made sense with the hats that they were wearing. Turning away from her watch Tinarah thought to listen in to the rest of the conversation as it seemed that the duck was ready to head out already, in fact he ran off without them. Tinarah prepared to follow but Nini reacting to Torrin caught her attention.

    Torrin tried to make an excuse for why Nini was mad, but Tinarah just watched him for a minute, listening to him apologize about Mika before taking off, nearly running off it seemed. Summoning her glider, Tinarah rushing to catch up with Torrin. Pulling up beside him, Tinarah willed herself to look over at Torrin as she finally spoke.
    "You were in love with her weren't you? That is why Nini seems to always want your attention." She had learned enough and seen enough about the mirror realm to know that while motives might not always cross over, feelings, or connections did. She knew that from Stamtatis. She wondered if it was the same for Torrin. It shouldn't have been any of her business, but Mika had been one of Tinarah's closest friends and she just couldn't stop from wondering about it.
    Post by: Aelin, May 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    "Oh come on, that is my thing, and mine is way better when I have time to summon it." Reno joked as he saw the hell hounds emerge. That didn't mean that he was dumb enough to challenge them. Sure Rude was stronger than he was, but he didn't want to risk one of his only friends just to show who was better during a riot that escalated to unnecessary violence. This fight was getting far too dangerous far too fast, and Reno took that as his queue to leave. Popping into his fox form, Reno ran out of the crowd towards the east, searching for some safety from the hounds and flames being unleashed on the city. The eagle that he had summoned for the battle trailed behind him as Reno's nine tails swished on his way out of the crowd. His slightly smaller form made it easier to get away from people, dodging in and out of legs slightly easier than trying to push past people in his human form. When he felt like he was a healthy distance away from the flames, Reno turned around, sitting on the ground to watch as the rest of the people fled, curious what the crazy woman with the hell hounds would do once she scared everyone away.
    Post by: Aelin, May 24, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aelin
    "I uh... I don't even know what to think of him honestly. This is not what we need to be doing with our time." Tinarah's eyes darted around to the buildings around. There was plenty of work to be done in this town and still villains on the loose and here they were talking to an overconfident duck who she was willing to bet didn't know what was actually going on in this town. At least Take had a decent idea of how to handle things ans she walked over to the opposite end of the building keeping her eyes pealed from there.

    As she looked around Tinarah faintly heard what Torrin had to say. She supposed that she felt sort of bad for him, but at the same time she just wasn't sure enough about the duck to really trust everything being said. Even so Tinarah nodded her agreement, if things weren't interesting enough as they were with her and Torrin actually being near each other, now they had this thing thrown into it on top of that. Well perhaps he could be of help, it was time to at least see.

    Post by: Aelin, May 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    As Thea dodged through the fire, webs came bursting through her wall of flames. Since she didn't have the control to keep the fire hot at all time, it was more for a distraction and the flames let the web through without much of an issue, causing Thea to become caught among the webs. For a moment she was stuck and a little freaked out, but as she struggled against the binding effect of them, her body became a pillar of flames, burning away the webbing that was around her as the flames took over, flickers of blue flashed in both her wall and the red flames around her body. Soon after however the red flames settled and Thea took a moment to calm her breath and try and control herself a bit more before she shot out a few more flames from her wall, trying and hit the spider with more fire, perhaps even igniting it if she could.
    As they walked down the river, Samuel stopped and Everette looked to where the boy was pointing, his eyes going wide. "That is not natural. I agree we need to take it down, and then perhaps see if it has any connection to the poisoning. But for now it is a danger to the town." Everette pulled out his sword and prepared for a battle as his clones mimicked his actions. Slowly the clones spread out from him, starting to form a semi-circle around the snake like creature. As he did he glanced over his shoulder at Conrad. "Unless you have a way to create light, I won't be able to help blind it. The moon doesn't provide that much light." Everette warned. Perhaps if it was sunny he could use his mirror to concentrate a beam of sun at the snake's face, but that was not the case right now and he would have to find another way. "I will do my best to distract it though, we will see what we can do." Everette prepared himself for an attack. If there was agreement among everyone he would go in to attack it, using some fighting styles he learned from other members of the guild. While it would do damage, the main purpose would be for his duplicates to copy his movements and trick the snake in focusing on the assaults taking him from 4 sides instead of looking at what Samuel and Conrad were doing.
    Post by: Aelin, May 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    As Tinarah hovered, ready for anything there was fog, and a voice. Tinarah was stuck trying to decide if she wanted to jump onto the roof and summon her keyblade, or remain on her glider, she couldn't do both of course. There was a sense of nervousness as she prepared for whatever was to come. However the more the thing talked, the less threatening it seemed, right until Torrin shot at it and it shrieked. Tinarah shook her head a bit as the voice continued revealing that he was apparently a hero. Getting off her glider once more she joined the rest of the group looking at the duck. Fans of his? Not a chance. This duck must have been delusional. At least Boreas was able to handle the situation, because Tinarah certainly didn't know how as she watched it from the back of the group. Biting on her lower lip Tinarah tried to think what to say, but in the end was at a complete loss of words.
    Post by: Aelin, May 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    As Reno moved through the crowd it seemed like the one inciting all this nonsense had decided to show themselves, bringing another law for the people. Oh this ought to be good. A law on who could leave the ships and who had to stay behind. That rule was one that Reno could care less about, he had no reason to be for or against that law seeing he did not care for the shipping of the town. That being said, it was becoming increasingly hostile and the new law seemed to be pissing a lot of people off. Looking around the heat of the situation escalated quickly, too quickly for Reno really to have the time to prepare himself. Before he had a moment to summon a creature to fight at his side, someone was already throwing a knife into the neck of the red head woman who was guarding the door. What was worse than that though, was that she plucked it out of her neck without any seeming effect.

    Crowds scattered, but not all of them, some stood their ground with weapons in hand.
    "You see, this is the problem with society, you all feel the need to bring weapons to a peaceful rally. You are the ones killing society, not him. Though he is an *sshole I do agree with that. Still it would be better to fight your battles with something more natural than knives and weapons, that is just the cowards way out, and I don't appreciate you pulling one so close to me. You could get me in more trouble than it is worth. Perhaps you could do with a bit of a distraction." As he finished speaking a bit of arcane energy blasted forth and an eagle flew forth from it, turning and attacking the thug right next to it with it's claws. The talons raked against the thug, giving Reno time to get himself prepared for whatever was to come. The Eagle swept around and tried to hit it with it's beak, but that only caught bits of the weapon doing nothing to the target.

    Reno summoned an Eagle
    Eagle used Smite Evil
    Eagle used talon attacks on Thug 6
    Eagle used bite attack on Thug 6
    Talon Attack 1
    Total= 15

    1d4 +1
    Total 3

    Talon Attack 2
    Total= 19

    1d4 +1

    Bite Attack
    Total =6

    Does not hit!

    Total Damage= 6
    Post by: Aelin, May 22, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aelin
    Due to not having quite enough people I changed out the lines that person number 6 was supposed to sing and replaced them with other people, so please double check what parts you are to sing.
    Also as a reminder please get me a rendered picture you want me to use to represent you in the video.
    @Zelda @Glen @LadyAzura @CrownMoksha
    Post by: Aelin, May 21, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  19. Aelin
    As they continued forward Torrin caught some sort of movement. He assumed that they caught the attention of the villains so the best plan of action was clearly to head straight towards it and dive off the keyblade glider at the roof that, as Tinarah approached at a slightly slower pace, and instead of jumping off her glider, she lowered it closer to the ground and slowly stepped off of it, looking to the others. She left her glider floating behind her, one hand on it as she looked around. "If we caught their attention and they aren't here.... Um maybe we shouldn't be fighting about landing. It might be a trap." Tinarah tried to point out to them as she slowly climbed back onto her glider and just hovered near them. Seeing the explosions earlier she was terrified they would take out this building on them, so as much as she didn't trust her combat skills on a glider, it still seemed safer than standing around and talking about whether or not jumping from your keyblade was safe or not.
    Post by: Aelin, May 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Auburn was a little choked to hear the Qrow was leaving to do other things. She understood but at the same time he was arguably the one that she knew the most out of everyone here. At least she had met him before arriving at the school, even if he rarely looked her way when he was over at the house visiting. She supposed that was why he made them talk it out and get along if he wasn't even going to be there to look out for her. Auburn couldn't help but wonder what her father would think about this, since Qrow was supposed to be looking out for her. That being said things had changed and it was only a matter of time before he was needed else where, and given that her father had yet to come for her, she assumed he was busy as well and understood.

    As they walked on and started into their mission, they arrived at a fork in the road where the two teams were supposed to split up. Auburn looked to both paths and then she looked to Blaine, he was their leader after all, so she was sure that he should have an idea of which way that they should go, and if the other team wanted to argue over path choices, she was the last one willing to stand in the way of that. This was a decision for her leader and she stood by that belief firmly.

    At least Arian was not the only impatient one. The newer member of his team, one that he had not spent all that much time talking to, also seemed ready to go. Noire soon obliged after telling them that Qrow was going his own way. "Guess he needed to refill his flask." Arian leaned over to Dubhan and joked lightly. He didn't put it past the old man to be going for another drink over staying with them. Heck at this rate they were probably driving him to drink more. Either way the finally got on the road and got the choice of directions that they could head. Seeing no one else speaking up yet, Arian started towards the path on the left. "We should go this way." Of course he would go left, all good adventurers went left.
    Post by: Aelin, May 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena