We're not gonna make it! I repeat; we are not going to make it! D:
I guess a lot. xD I think I am already crashing. o:
I actually quite like it. For a beginner, you are very good. Two thumbs up!
Really? Excuse me, while I go eat some icecream. May I see it? :D
And icecream! Sorry, for late reply.
Hey, Llave! Picture: Spoiler http://i1131.photobucket.com/albums/m544/KingdomCrownXlll/749f3605.jpg Size: It will be my avatar. Specifications: Make it perty. (Surprise me.) Text: Nope. Please, take your time. c:
Your terrible jokes. o; jk I think maybe the flu. :|
Welcome back, Sketch. Please refresh on the rules. Have fun, mmkay? o;
It's okay. I am sick and tired. So not too good. :c
Very well then. By the way, your friend Adam was my employer.
Are you implying that I am insane?
Lol. I think I am good, for now. So how are things?
Actually I just woke up from a nap. And... I might... go back... to... bed...*SNORE* Tell Star I'm sleeping, mmkay?
Oh yes, yes. I could not agree more. c;
How do I know that you are now not just someone else, at the keyboard?
MORE SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! c:
Yes, exactly. xD
I do try. But I have troubles sleeping at night.
Awesome stuff! :D Mm.... that's a good question... I am not too sure, to be honest. I just prefer them more, I guess.