I know. I do to.
Yeah. [IMG]
*cries* :'c
I hate it when images do that. May I have the URL?
Is it just me, or is the picture not working? D:
But I like my puppy...
Great thing that I am not a dude.
:o Why???
[IMG] We are the best of the best.
You want more satisfaction? rep me
I know right? Being a girl is the best. I am surpirsed they haven't caught on yet...
With your wit and my lies we are unstoppable!
Ah, cool. I'll have to see it once you are finished. c:
I heard about this to. And thank you. o;
Is that stuff hard to do?
o; [spoiler]
Autoplay, you say? Hm... *evil look*
Oh God... that made me laugh. I did not even know you could put images in rep comments. :D
Rep, one of my favorite words. I know. I'm just too lazy for my own good. And I fixed it~