Good, I am not the only one. These modes sound cool nonetheless.
I would have to say Vanitas' laugh. It had me laughing for a good ten minutes.
Good point. Have a goodnight. Zzz
Yep. I am sure.
Try all you want... no one will hear you. *creeps closer*
I must say, they are quite clever. now tell me where you got this or die
Hahaa~ xD Where is everyone finding these?
Curious of what? :lolface:
I don't even want to know...
De'repped. o;
Nope. It told me that it loves me more than you.
But puppy loves me more.
Of course I am, silly.
It's awesome. Your welcome~ ;3
:o That looks painful.
Am I ?
---------- You don't have permission to access /attach/11/866611/NanohaFl.jpg on this server. ---------- Again; [IMG]
I lost it and it can't be found. Help?
I'm not much of a crier.