I really hate stereotypes-Apparently im Emo and I slit my wrists cuz im "Depressed" but im actually just Quiet and I like dark music-Oh and I can talk to girls without wanting to have sex with them so that means im as bent as a French horn when really im straight. I think High School stereotypes are sorta down to Where you live and Who you live around-and in my case-I live around pure scumbags X_X
Oh-but you where!! Secretly... And Happy Paddy's Day!!!!!
"Oh-and welcome to Paupu Academy!" she called back happily-Now the school year had really started-she walked off-Confidently-Rucksacks flung over her shoulders.
Nope-Cuz aliens from Pluto (along with a few leprechauns) invaded Jupiter and all had a Synchronized atomic fart that killed most of the other...
Dont forget the mechanical space pig from Jupiter!!
Quite-So what up??
Bluelazor-Nice,Thank you!! XDD *Smiles and thumbs up* Clear_so_you_can't_See-*Embraces self* and omg Just today I had a practical study of German armour and weapons in school-Guns and helmets are heavier than they look XD Misty-Death Growling is growl singing-I cant really explain it-Heres a death growl song-its quite scary- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SRD6mjrUMo -XD Mvalentine-I mean "Non-Social Norm" in terms of Weird-In a very political way XD (BTW-Nice Avatar!!)
OOC-Oh Sorry-I didnt realise what wa happening-I just read the last like two posts XDD quite Awkward!!! XDD Scátach looked buck down at the two rucksacks-she didn't seemed effected by what just happened-at most she smiled-but it was barely visible "-Okay im gonna have to see you guys later-dont worry-" she went on as if this was a normal everyday thing "-I'll talk to you about options and stuff if you want" she closed the Rucksacks and flung them over her shoulders-slightly smiled at the two and walked out-closing the door behind her.
Thank you!!!! I Feel so normal right now ^^
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=98104 -Read it and do the poll plz-For me??? XDD
And And plus also- http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=98104 -Tell me your opinions!!!
Okay heres a short list of things that I find abnormal about myself and I would like to hear your opinions as to if am a weirdo XDD 1-I think im weak but apparently im quite strong XD 2-Toenails creep me out!! 3-So do spiders and people with really long necks!! 4-I love Fat most people!! 5-I love reading of Psychos and Serial Killers 6-I absolutely LOVE Psychology and reading body language. 7-One of my favourite songs is Cosmic love by Florence and the Machine even though im a Metal Head!! 8-Marilyn Manson is my Idol! 9-I keep drawing random Eyes 10-I Death Growl for fun XDD Im not really gonna take most opinions to heart but id really like to know what people think of me!! XDD Peace out!!!
OOC-Okay guys-Seriously-thank you for arising my tread from the dead ^^ and just so you know my characters name is Scátach-she is a vampire (Mwahahahaha) who is a Combat teacher and Guidance Councillor-and it looks like she is gonna have to pop up out of nowhere!! Scátach burst into the room after the Neoph Replica-she didnt seem to know him-or care-she was never known to be polite-"Hi-My name is Ms.Valentine but you can call me Scátach-" she said without looking at the two-putting two large rucksacks onto a table "-Any trouble with anyone,you talk to me" She said-then looked up to find a pregnant girl and two people that seemed to be twins looking at each-other
Ah Kwl-My tread isnt dead anymore!! Thank You both so much!!! ^^
OOC-Awww The tread is dead isn't it X( oh well we had a good run-we should make our own tread-same characters but different stories
G2G XDD bye lol
Nope-An impfinity is Sudden Realisation XDD its sorta a mix of the two lol
Ryoku quickly dressed and jumped out the window-he scratched his cheek-it was bleeding but he honestly couldn't care less-He cault up with Miteta and said "..Sorry-but if we were found..." He stopped in mid-sentence-he didn't want to continue-he swallowed and slowed his breathing.
*Tilts head* Theres alot of impfinitys goin on these days XDD
Let it end while sitting on a dark beach with Mp3 player at hand.