Sinder had made it to one of the hideout trees and flew up into the twisted branches. The opening small enough for her to slip through with Vaughn could be seen and she made her way into it. As she got inside she laid Vaughn on the bed. He was still passed out so she got a bottle of water and sat down on the floor. She looked at him curiously, wondering when he'd get up. Then she sang a song to herself in a hushed voice. Safety was theirs.
*pets head*
*hugglez adorableness*
*pokes nose*
*smiles more*
*smiles and kisses nose*
*hugglez back*
yupperz .
its ok ill be fine
yeah... kinda hurt
*smiles at you* hai hunny
*giggles and sits up*
*giggles and wipes cheek then looks at you*
*closes eyes*
*smiles but clenches teeth*
*holds stomach*
was hard but good at the same time
*tries to get breath back*
Sinder got caught in the gas with them. She forced herself not to cough and tried to run even faster. "Damnit they don't give up easy huh?" she said to Vaughn. A smile crossed her face and she took to the air between the trees. This way would be much faster and with the invisibility it would be almost impossible for them to get spotted. Vaughn had passed out and she needed to get both of them out of there. She took a good grip around his waist and took to the air between the trees. 'This just isn't my day. I guess this is what I get for listening to that stupid voice.'
Im good how are you?