yea i busy but not that busy lol and i'll jus run away frm my friends' dramas
me and myself, eh? hm.....well busy like a bee? not a bee lol uh like a rabbit i should say XD
yea thn its a mayb thn lol
lol yea i was thinking of which character but not sure if i really got the free time to do so because of my three skool clubs i'll think about it so its a mayb
ok so what do you have to do?
XD i gtgs bye byes
give me a description of it or something in i'll think bout it lol i gtgs byes
idk it depends if i think its kool
lol XD yea its very easy once you get use to it you could start adding other stuff to it
yea i know lol
nah its expected for me to know lol
well i cook the eggs til its almost ready thn put rice in thn pour soy sauce, stur so the are no rice clumps thn you have fried rice ^^ srry for...
lol XD i would cook you some if i could XD
i guess so lol
XD im eating rite now lol should cook fried rice XD
probably XD well about the other thing i finished
thought so XD so watcha doin? hw still?
XD j-pop and k-pop r kool XD so wat will you do if your bf randomly gets you flowers?
O.o lets jus say i like k-pop(korean pop) and j-pop(japanese) oh forgot the question srry lol im curous you have fb?