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  1. Peace and War
    You are doing what I dislike about gaming internet commentators which i've literally just criticised.. You say it's ****** yet you offer no better suggestion or ideas, you just say it's ****.
    Also another thing I dislike. People who take one detail of a game and say the game is unplayable or not worth it and a waste. Like Mass Effect 3, people on the internet gave that **** reviews because of the ending. Which all the sheep that are online game reviewers ad posters seem to repeat over and over and over. Instead of looking at the full package they focus on one thing, and it poisons everything
    I remember the PS1 and the terrible controls, glitches, frame rate, massive difficulty spikes that could come in one game package but people loved them for all there faults. Modern day gamers seem to want perfection when the industry has never been that. People expect too much from video games, like it'll complete their lives and make everything better and when it doesn't they get all emo and start crucifying the game box and condemn it to Satan.

    That's a lot of prejudgement on something you have no first hand experience with. You'll find each company works differently and listens to fans in different capacities. Valve has the most fan influence on how they work and put content forward. Ubisoft and Bioware listens to their fans in what they want to see in sequels, through online checkboxes emailed to certain critics and private individuals with the community. So, it's not as dark and malevolent as you're making it out to be.

    And if the money system of buying a game meant quality we wouldn't have bad sales in games like Psychonauts and Beyond Good and Evil. And there wouldn't be passionate Indie developers who make games because they want to. Money may run the business side of the gaming industry, but the development team may have other ideas if they're allowed the freedom and have the passion to do so.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    Compared is a weird word to use. You can compare anything to gether, custard and a table, a book and gravel, my carpet to brain surgery. THey all can be compared against each other, but in terms of being similar and different that's just a given whenever you compare something.
    You can compare in the way that you can assess and judge the criteria of it, like people have said, the Waco bombings being at base worse compared to Boston. You can also compare the military strength of two countries, let's say America and Vietnam. America spends the most on it's military by miles in the world, compared to even the second placed country, yet it was the comparatively smaller forces in Vietnam that ultimately won.

    I only ever compare tragedies in terms of sympathy level. I know what it's like losing a member of your family, I can compare you and me to that. I know what it's like someone you were close with attempting suicide. I know how looking after autistic kids can be difficult and I can sympathise with the parents of them.

    I don't knw any other way to compare tragedies to another properly unless it's been through what I have experienced.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Peace and War
    You're talking about almost the whole online lot of gamers who post on forums. Look at this thread. Look at NeoGaf. Like i said, look on any forum. They all have opinions the same as each other.
    What I am really pissed at is that people online criticise a game for being this or that but never offer an alternative, better solution to the problem they mention. Constructive criticism is the only worthwhile criticism to listen to.

    For example, in Skyrim, the amount of equipment you could forge and create should've been expanded, and has been thanks to mods and patches and even expansions, but the vanilla game should have had that initially. It should've also offered us magic levelling, where your magic abilities became more powerful as you levelled instead of staying weak, otherwise your basic level magic was useless after a certain point in the game. Should've also added hunting quests that meant you could make a carer out of being a hunter, sneaking up on animals, collecting pelts and so on. I would've rather have that kind of criticising then simple saying the gameplay was poor, etc. Well then give us an alternative.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Peace and War
    Yeah, no changes here unfortunately to say.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Peace and War
    Because I can go back to it a year and a half after playing it and it still feels fresh and new. Thank you mods.

    And the graphics are good, not sure how they're not? Combat is fun, with the magic and sneaking about.
    Plus i've still not completed the main campaign and sunk 150 hours into it. I call it the best value for money ever.

    Honestly, the day gamers don't complain that video games are wank will be the day we actually, as a species, accept that nothing is perfect and that we should be happy for the good in our lives. Then again this is coming to people whose idea of problems in the world consist of slow internet and QTEs instead of famine and disease.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Peace and War
    Profile Post Comment

    It's a challenge, my frenemy! :3

    It's a challenge, my frenemy! :3
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Apr 22, 2013
  7. Peace and War
  8. Peace and War
    If I didn't watch documentaries and news, I would agree.
    I've watched the extremist gun nuts and patriots.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Peace and War
    He was impersonating a fairly common characteristic type in American patriots.

    I wasn't laughing.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War
    Oh good, you are kidding then.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Peace and War
    What I love about American patriotism is the idea of freedom.

    Yay freedom for all! Well freedom for white rich people until it was properly ended 93 years later. Woo freedom!

    It's also like America ignores the fact the rest of the world exists and that they're all not free or something. Also, America invades countries and takes controls of their government and impose their will on countries different from their own. You know, freedom means invasion. I think I read something like that in 1984.


    It's like that Civil War was kids with toys and not the death of thousands. But what does that matter now, eh?
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
  13. Peace and War
  14. Peace and War
    A group of people dead, hundreds injured, a scared country still threatened by people who hate them because they are invading their countries and changing their people like some modern day colonisation ploy in order to obtain fuel to further move their war machine.

    Death and pain is never a celebration
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    Depends if you enjoy the night or not.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    Sora has grown in my eyes in that he became a more flawed and vulnerable character. He's always proclaimed to believe in his heart and his emotions above logic and understanding, something that comes from him being a beacon of lgiht. He's shown his strength of heart, his self assurance of himself and his belief in his friends have propelled him to become a great source of power and light for good. However, the light has been blinding him for so long, that he can not see people possess darkness in themselves. Riku especially, he believes in his friend fully of never going bad, and that it was the corruption brought on by Ansem SoD that caused him to be someone he wasn't really, yet it was always obvious Riku hungered to gain more then what the simple islands could give him.
    So this was brought up mainly at the end of KH3D when Sora, in The World That Never Was, keeps seeing illusions of his friends and tries desperately to save them. this, however, leaves him blind ad vulnerable to the effects of Xemnas and Xehanort who use this opportunity to poison and weaken Sora to the point he's exhausted and struggling. This is why he failed his Mark of Mastery, his inability to control his feelings and act disciplined. Riku has grown up quicker than Sora because he's had to deal with the darkness within him and try to deal with it and his actions against his friends, guilt ridden and feeling hopeless at times until Mickey believes in him and eventually he believes in himself. Sora already had believed in himself, but it was a reckless kind of belief, which led him to fail and put himself and others in danger. So now, he has to deal with the corruption that the light can have on him, of being blind to logic and reason and the guilt of putting his friends in danger for his recklessness. At the end of the game, I think he realised this a bit more, he was content to improve and willing to move on. He won't brood like Riku, that's not Sora, he'll be goofy and act dozy but it's his ability to recover and keep moving forward that gives him the strength to adapt and become a Keyblade Master, eventually.

    Lea is going to be different from Axel, because he has a heart now. Yes nobodies have hearts, but they take time to develop and grow that sort of thing. We're going back to a state of Axel that's fully formed, an therefore will be a different persona to the Axel persona.

    Riku's become self assured more and knows his strength better, and isn't willing to needlessly sacrifice and make himself suffer for his regrets and guilt. He kept the form of Ansem SoD in KH2 not because he wanted the power it gave him, we can clearly see he had plenty without it when fighting Xemnas, but because he wanted to punish himself for being a monster. The temptation of Ansem SoD will always be within him, and we can see that in every encounter they have, that he more easily ignores his allure and has built the resistance to the seduction of power in darkness. He's grown a lot.

    Those were the biggest changes in characters and it'll be interesting to see how they're dealt with in the future.
  17. Peace and War
    5 o'clock it be!

    Be there or be a productive member of society!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  18. Peace and War
    Protheans are Samurai beetles. With South African accents....

    ****ing yesssssssss!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    Yes because you never have gaming events in North America, boohoo! XD
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Peace and War
    I may or may not be going... XD

    If I go I'll try and take photos!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates