I hope that they reveal a bit more of their interface, online services and a decent reason why we require Kinect 2. I also hope they'll reveal or at least hint at a few future plans to do with their online feature, because I don't feel much progress is being made so far. Hopefully Indie developers will have the chance to put their mark upon these machines in some way, because indie developers have really helped support the longevity of the consoles similar to the options a PC gave you. They should get some ease or benefit in these machines, imo.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You've caused What? to have a mental breakdown.
These anime characters are so androgynous, it's difficult to tell.
Where's the lovely Ms What? Whiteboard?
Oh so dramatic, kitty cat. Your feisty, feline nature makes me purr purely. I'll battle you later, my swords a little.... rusty. : p
Probably shouldn't tease me with sexual innuendos unless you want a battle on your hands! : P
Amaury is Sandy Claws? I never get any gifts!
You've made that joke already. Can't use the same joke twice, dear, it's an offense to the comedy gods!
You catch me as soon as I head off to be! XD I am fine otherwise, finished my last essay this academic year, going to hand it in tomorrow and...
Wow, challenge accepted! XD I can do these both i'm sure, next week should be fun!
Username : Peace and War Family Member/Title : Sagely Scholar Personality : Inquisitive, Open, Calm, Fun Loving, blah blah blah. Literary Arts Specialty : Comedy, Scripts, Poetry, Prose Anything else you'd like to share? : May not be the most active member, but I would love to contribute when I can and receive feedback in return! : )
Ghost was a fairly popular character, so a centre around a Ghost type character or team sounds about right. I would like to say 'ohhhh, they might change the format enough to make CoD more interesting and fresh again.' but after Black Ops and Black Ops II promising both but delivering in neither, i'm not gonna hold my breath. Just some gameplay updates, wonder if they graphics might actually not look 6 years old.
As long as the questions are discussable and not just branching off into 'What's your favourite song/TV show/etc?' which would be better placed in other sections, then I'm good with this! C : I find it interesting how I think. I can't compare it to other people's thoughts but I kind of find my process of thought interesting. I think because it's so scatter brained yet seems to have some semblance of organisation about it, and the ability to go from carpet to the regime change of France, interesting. It's probably not a great explanation, but I don't know how else to describe it.
Personal experience? Did your boyfriend make you do something you didn't want to do?
I am content with the current system. I admit when it took me just over three years to get premiumship I was so happy with it, and so annoyed that it took me that long when people who I didn't like at the time or had rivalries with had post counts double mine. I realised later posting purely in discussion would not help at all for the first two years. But i felt like I earned it, and the spammers who never left the one section and would insult and goad members made me feel better about it. I had worked hard and got somewhere whilst the lazy ones had not. I think the post requirements outside the spam zone encourages broader posting and talking within the community. It's not simply a case of dedciation to one section that should be rewarded with premiumship, otherwise I wouldn't see the point in being a preimum member on the whole site and just say might as well be in that section alone. I think the post count is just right. Enough for a feeling of accomplishment without being too easy. Can't really think of anything more. But just addressing the side of the argument from someone who likes the current system.
I don't really care about trying to categorise myself as anything when it comes to gender. Gender is a human by product to better understand themselves, control the chaos that is the internal emotions, personality, thoughts and consciousness of humanity. Honestly, I say I'm a male. I don't fit into the category perfectly, then again, like sexuality, there is no perfect standard which I find myself fitting in, I fluctuate to much day by day. I don't believe anyone does, which is why I would identify with cisgender, purely because by all accounts, it's the closest factual basis for my gender being fixed ina biological sense. To say i'm the third gender, mono gendered, etc, to me is like trying to explain the unexplainable or get away from the point, as those terms are too broad. If I know who I am do I have to write it down? Feels condemning to fit myself into another category i'm never going to fit in with exactly. I also feel even the less known genders are effectively stereotyped by the people who class themselves as such. Like transgender men, who dress up in wigs, high heels, dresses and try to sound like a silky seductress. hat seems like a really stereotyped view of women from a men's perspective and try to fulfil that role because they feel more comfortable in it then by acting like an effeminate man. Also, i've seen a couple of men who identify as female, yet they act like males. They are aggressive, swear fuelled, quick to judge, to name a few traits I would say are considered male traits. So I identify them as male, I call them he, think of them as such and no matter how much they tell me they identify with being female, I don't buy it. They are either trying to be rebellious, act unique or are not sure of themselves, none of which really makes me think gender identification even matter.
I don't what's worse. People who try explaining jokes. Or people who try explaining non jokes.
I'll never tell you that feeling. Because I want to continue liking food.
Bioshock. Bargain bucket required playing.