Hey amaury, how's it going? Keeping well i hope.
Keyblade se'lai! - 'to the Keyblade I hope to see one day'
I could see it. I mean the games were just the exploits of Commander Shepard, the exploits of another character seem easy enough to put in motion. Only difficulties I could see would that you could potentially be restricted to a class' like Garrus is an Infiltrator, or Aria as an Adept, and may mean less choice as a result. Also, the idea of key moral choices would be potentially to convey in characters who already have an established sense about them. Still the ideas are interesting. Aria I could see a lot of potential from. She's seen more action and had more happen to her than most of the other characters in the ME universe. Her back story has a lot to offer too. Garrus I could see maybe as his exploits on Omega, or after ME3. His time at C-Sec might be ok, but he'd be a little too innocent for me to see as a great game opportunity. Not sure about Kai Leng, he's had an interesting history as far as I can tell. A game entered around him could be very much like a stealthy action game like Metal Gear Solid Revenangce, which could be incredibly good or mediocre. Still, the early exploits of Cerberus and their rise would be good, which Kai Leng could definitely build up from his perspective. Another one was the idea of Javik after ME3 from someone at Bioware put on Twitter or something. I'm not sure what I could see from him, it's be interesting following the last survivor of a dead species, but really think that' be better set up after a sequel game to ME3 is made.
So been busy, tired and ill, however will send in the song asap. I've been meaning to re record but i may not have much choice at this stage. Can't wait!
See we actually talk about Kingdom Hearts on KHV! Nice work keeping to schedule guys.
Mass Effect hasn't really been much of a cash cow by EAs own complete doing. Stuff like mobile apps, dlc in comics, and such were stuff Bioware has been wanting to expand in and just hasn't been able to until they were acquired by EA. And if people blame the story's ending on EA, i'm sorry I don't like EA, but it's not them they should be pissed at or Bioware as a whole. Complain to the writers or even to the Projector Director. It's like blaming a rogue police officer in the USA onto the President because he's at the top of the government food chain. Still, I can only hope that they learn from past mistakes. Really won't know till they announce and even just release their first licensed game unto the world
Music has influence on the world as much as any other cultural medium. In the context of the world as the human world, it is what defines us. We as a sapient and intelligent species are able to create unique and varying forms of audible patterns. Whilst a dog maybe able to bark a long to a few beats at best, humans are able to process multiple layers of beats at once creating a harmonious rhythm we know as Music. It binds us as a species, we can all on some level process music as something enjoyable. Even deaf people are able to feel the rhythm of beats at certain volumes and intensities. It is audible culture. It's influence is on our conscious species alone, and is appreciated by it. It can help or hinder us, but at base it is grand.
My initial reaction is either very good or very bad when it's audible. Bad initial reaction. EA will definitely cash cow this franchise, it's like a gold mine for extras they can tape on that people will want to buy. The future is disturbing for Star Wars....
I don't see this winning. Expectations held by fans of series usually are subjective and not quantifiable. There aren't laws that put forward a criteria for media mediums to say what is representative of a final product and what is not, it seems stupid if you tried to. Also, why the hell sue a company for a game you didn't enjoy? I get it's over the whole demonstrations compared to final product, but from thenlittle snippets i've seen, they look like the same product to me. I know the final product is a disappointment, but it's not worth sueing over. Like libre says, Gearbox should be getting sued for their actions and responsibility over this product.
Glad to hear you've gotten through that rough patch, hope it sticks and that KHV isn't a demon playground for you! : p
/MOVED\ I have to say it's probably Twilight Princess. Zelda games usually are the best games for me on the Nintendo consoles, and since I've yet to play Skyward Sword this is the only game that's kept my attention for hours on end. The more mature look and design of it was also great to experience for a change, a nice combo.
usually depends on the situation. How i meet someone at work and at a pub are completely seperate. As well as if i' by myself, with friends, etc. I usually go in acting acknowledged and make small talk but not much else. I usually have to take a bit of time assessing someone whether it's worth talking with them about certain subjects or whatever, so I'll stay quiet unless they talk to me first.
Can't really say more than what Kitty said. It's atrocious, all of it. And I can't go past a week without America having problems either foreign or domestic based. This has got to be double digits of incidents with a gun i've heard of coming from one country. Kids are dying and it can be avoided. It's appalling for a modern day country.
My worst fear is being alone. I can take anything else but the utter disconnection and isolation of life. Not to say I couldn't live on without friends or closeness, I have done for a while, but it isn't a happy life, and is one unfulfilled. Maybe my second fear is losing someone. Same as the above, really, I could deal but it is a painful life. Generally any variations of the above, is basically my fear. And then again, somedays I don't fear it at all because I can see it as temporary and my luck will change, I have happiness in me once again. So it's not the worst fear I have of things.
Family is the close connection between people who grow, both individually and as a group over time, usually co existing in the same living environment as one anther. I have seen myself in a family not of my own. My friends, at times, feel like family, people, who just accept my presence without worrying about it a great deal. I have felt such love that i'd want to start my own family with said person, because that's how close we are. True concepts of family is something fundamental for healthy and happy living.
I'll make sure to spoiler tag the rumors in this runour thread : p I doubt it'll work to the degree they're expecting. It might do in theory, but really, i believe anyone informed will buy the freer sounding system of the two. Having a closed system is good to a degree, but mainly for the company not much for the consumer. Hopefully they shed a bit of light on things at the reveal though.
Whilst you're etching in their names, they'll have already sent their missiles against you. Come on, mate, priorities!
My name has been mispronounced, misspelled once or twice, and misheard too many times. Ross and Russ are close enough to mean people believe I'm saying the later. I'm not a fan of the later name, so I do correct people so as not to call me Russ, but that hasn't happened n years. I'm alright being called whatever other name people pick for me, but Russ seems to be the one constant I can't stand. Strange.... Some people use to pronounce my name correctly, but in an accent to make my name sound stupid, and would say it out loud whenever the teacher called out my name. It was frustrating and belittling, not to mention annoying after months on end in the same class. Still, that's school, and school is harsh like that.
I saw Joe's vlog about this, and I have to admit it's really underhanded and obvious shady dealings have been put forward to smoother the facts. These developers know they're game is incomplete in terms of playability, with numerous colliding mesh dimensions missing, in the wrong place or just plain broken, along with the inability for PC users to Co-op at all. In some way, this game was income type of development hell, I can bet. But since the game was announced and shown along with the movie coming out soon, the business side of the media wanted to cash in before it was a dead in the water game with no profit at all. This type of format has been going for years in the gamin industry move license games, shoddy work that tries to meet the time frame of the movies release with the money instead of quality marking their reason for doing said gaming venture. On average, movie license games have been improving a lot, yet recently we've been plagued by Alien: Colonial Marines and now this game bringing down the quality of the industry. I don't like it, but unfortunately as long as unaware consumers want to buy games that have a movie tie in or well placed marketing, then they will be made, for better or for worse.