Oh! Is it a boy or a girl?!
Hey, I gotta go. *hugs* I'll see you later, okay?
I don't mean it as an insult. You're not fat...:D EMO! *hugs* I gotta go! Later!
Yep! :D MCR knows what they're talking about! Do you like Demon Hunter?
Yeah, you might get mad at me for saying this, but you are pretty sexy. All blondes are like that, though. Either sexy or hot. I do the emo style...
Hey yosha, wanna go to the blog?
Oh heck yeah, all the time! Slitting my wrists, cutting my tongue... jk! :D I just wear alot of black and rock stuff.... but my favorite band...
There's some advantages to being blonde though. The opposite sex always thinks you're pretty or handsome. I got black hair, so not alot of people...
Yeah... I consider myself emo/goth.... Do you?
Yeah, Atreyu's pretty sweet. That was pretty funny! XD
My fave songs are Teenagers, Moma, I'm Not Okay, and The Sharpest Lives
Cool. Hey....that rhymed!!! XD
I've heard of them, but I don't listen to them. Do you like August Burns Red?
MCR?!?! 8D They...are....amazing! What's your favorite song?
I'd rape everybody, then destory the world......o_o....:D
I got a pretty hot BB shirt at Hot Topic the other weak. It's green and black, my favorite colors! 8D How about........I only listen to them a...
Whoa. Freaky. Same here. Who are you listening to?
Oh, okay. I'm on my laptop, but my big comp (that's what I call my family's comp for some reason...o_o) can't handle alot either. Not really. I...
Okay, sorry for killing you're comp...:sweatdrop: Yeah, they say f@$# alot... You need to listen to Back Burner and Composure by ABR. They're...
Hey, we're friends, but we never talk........so what's up?