*door slams to Roxas' room, a loud 'Screw you, Roxas!' can be heard, and Roxas appears magically beside Kairi* Did you miss me? :D
I have to, Kairi...You can't die... *smiles slightly* Tell Namine I'll always be with her... *a light shines where his heart should be* I guess this is good-bye... *fades*
*tears start falling like crazy* NO! Kairi! *gets up and gives potion quickly* Don't go! *takes heart and puts it back into Kairi* I need to die, okay? I'm a nobody...I don't need a heart...
*tears come from eyes* Don't do it guys... I don't have much longer...tell Namine I love her....and give her this... *kisses Kairi*
Kairi! Don't you dare do it... *grips Kairi's hand tightly* I love you...you're like a sister...to me. *tear falls from eye*
And show Sora this... *gives the finger* ...and this.... *gives Kairi the Oblivion chain* He lost it.... *coughs*
Tell Axel.....That I'll see him in the next life....and we'll fight there.... *smiles*
*wipes tears out of Kairi's eyes* Don't cry, guys. I'll be better off dead. *fades a little more*
*laughs weakly* Guys, don't blame Sora. It's my fault. I shouldn't have acted like such a idiot. Maybe me and Namine just were'nt meant to be... *fades a little more*
I guess this is my last few minutes with you guys...I'll miss you guys... *fades more*
Gah! *stumbles back* Sora...how could you... *falls on back and starts to fade*
Breathe? What will that do?!
No! I don't wanna leave!
*hugs* Please help me, Kairi....
*cries harder* Please! Somebody help me! I've lost someone I love!
*falls to knees, cries, and grabs onto Kairi's knees* Please help me, Kairi! You always give me advice and stuff. You're the closest I have to a real mom. *cries*
*cuts wrist again* Maybe I'd like you to hate me, Kairi. Go ahead, hate me. I don't give a crap. *moves to cut wrist again, but stops* I didn't mean that, Kairi...I need help! *cries*
I've just been under so much stress, I can't handle all this crap. I had to let my sexual fantasies get the best of me, and now I'm bleeding from my wrist in ten different places. *cuts wrist again* I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.
*grins widely* Not much, just chilling out in my room in the Castle. I haven't talked to Namine in a week, and she hasn't talked to me at school. Any advice? I'm cutting myself twenty times a day cause of this.
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