Holy crap, you shouldn't have, Sora! *pops open whiskey cap and turns on disco light* o.o Okay! It's ginger ale in a whiskey bottle!
Awwwwww......I love you guys! *jumps over, kisses Kairi, kisses Sora, hugs Demyx, and rushes all the way to Twilight Town and kisses Namine* I'm back! Whoa......I feel like.....no, last time that happened I became a daddy.
I wanna kiss somebody..... *sees random woman walk by, kisses her, and gets slapped in the face* Whoa....
............O_O............Wow, I would remember everything after something like that........
*returns to normal form* Sora....do you remember?
*resumes normal position* Sora?
*walks forward, battle stance position* Don't think 'bout it, Sora.
*pulls out Fenrir, just incase something goes wrong*
Vexen, you're already insane...
I....it's just...... *sighs* Don't get hurt, okay?
*shields light with wing and charges at Sora* What is it, Kairi?
*white light fades, revealing Roxas' ultimate form, having a full white costume and a single huge white wing* I have to protect you guys, Kairi. Just escape with Vexen and Demyx. I'm not gonna kill Sora. Vexen, what are you doing?
No! I'm sick of dying or coming close to dying! It's time for you to stop, Sora! You're really hurting Kairi! I'm ticked off. *a white light consumes Roxas* AHHHHH!!!!!!
*jumps onto Sora, slashing like a crazy man* No you don't! Kairi, Vexen, Demyx! Get to a safe place!
Ummm......ok....ay....what happened?! I'm Roxas! And don't do this to Kairi, Sora!
*wipes bleeding nose with arm* Sora...I'm Roxas. Your name is Ima Doofus, but I call you Sora. Now go cheer up the crying girl... *gives evil look* There's something I've always wanted to know about you, Demyx...... *knees Demyx in crotch*
Sora...snap out of it. You're trying to be funny, aren't you? *smiles* I get it, now go cheer up your girlfriend. *pushes towards Kairi*
I'll just give you DiZ's heart. After a nobody gets a heart & he gives it away, he still lives. *gives Sora DiZ's heart* Welcome back, buddy! Now go cheer Kairi up.
Okay, first of all.... *punches Sora across the face* Are you alive? Second, Vexen, Kairi was gonna tell him. So Kairi wouldv'e died. Thirdly, can somebody hug me? I need a hug.
Gosh! What was that for? Here's what happened: I was a ghost, I took the heart of somebody who doesn't matter... *cough* DiZ *cough* ...and I came back! Sora! No! Don't go!!!!