---------- It is still very possible to lose if you go first. You Dueled Cubia and lost even though you went first. And I'll say this once again,...
Well, that's good as long as nothing's bothering you.
Nothing much, you? :)
Haven't been playing IRL or the games as of late. Been busy as fuсk.
This kept happening to me when I was trying to lucid dream. I kept having "False lucids".
If Sora could breathe underwater, he'd be a Zora
Impressions? Which Soul Eater opening theme is better? What weapon would you transform into? What weapon do you think I would transform into?
If Roxas was a bone he'd be a coccyx. If Donald was a crappy and incredibly overrated soccer player, he'd be Christiano Donaldo If Goofy was from the 70's, he'd be Groovy If Larxene was a porn star, she'd be obscene. ...Okay, I'll stop
I highly doubt it.
Wow, and I JUST finished playing on my PSP (GBA emulator). Pretty good idea though, i wonder why they didn't do it before. I'll wait and hope for an enhanced remake. I'd like it to get the I/II/IV PSP treatment.
Yeah, this. SE has came out and said that they're okay and that the quake didn't significantly affect them. I'm sure everything will be fine, but yeah I'd be okay with a delay also
Those are amazing. I need to get in contact with whoever did that and tell them to make this happen
---------- Well it DOES need it for the sake of getting my hand size advantage back. Because my Deck leaves the hand empty alot. Therefore it...
---------- Wow it sure seems tyrannous to wanna do that to people... ---------- Personally I support it. You weren't around when Blackwings were...
I forgot to mention that it was an anime, not a game. I've always wanted to see a KH anime period, now I must see it like this. It was just really cool because they did a resonating sequence just like Soul Eater, you could see Sora's clothes all changing and stuff, and you could see Goofy turning from the Olympia into the Star Seeker (Probably happening because I'm playing KH2FM right now and using the Olympia). It was freaking epic. (Although seeing the top quarter of Goofy naked when he was talking to Sora as a keyblade was slightly disturbing)
---------- I looked up Exceed Monsters and apparently they don't have levels. Instead, it's called a Rank. Wow...Just wow... ---------- Actually...
That Kingdom Hearts was like Soul Eater. Donald and Goofy would turn into Sora's keyblades, and when he would Resonate with them, he would drive into a form. He could Resonate with Goofy to go into Valor, Donald to go into Wisdom, or all 3 could resonate to go into Master. It was glorious. Now somebody go pitch this to Square Enix because it's actually completely possible. KH and Soul Eater are both owned by Square Enix. I must see this done.
---------- I really don't see how any of that can make a Deck fast when Painful Choice and Witch of The Black Forest are Banned, Allure is...
---------- You misunderstood me. I asked you what the other methods of making Decks fast besides draw power are. ---------- A deck needs to be...
I am a Christian and have generally strong Christian views. However, I am okay with sex outside of marriage. The reason for this is that I believe many of the rules that God made were meant to protect people at the time. For example, there were many Biblical laws regarding the kind of food you can eat. Almost nobody cares about these anymore because we have so many precautions to keep this kind of food safe. However, at the time, there was in inherent risk at eating those types of foods. It's kind of the same thing. At the time, if a girl wasn't a virgin and wasn't married, she was ruined. She could never find a husband and could possibly even be killed. And if she got pregnant out of wedlock, don't even get me started. This, however, doesn't apply anymore. There are several forms of contraception and virginity is no longer held in high regard. That being said, I don't think one night stands are okay, because it still has the moral implications of being...you know, easy. Sex outside of marriage with someone you love and care about is different. But one night stands, no, I'm not okay with that as a Christian.