Neither of those things have gone anywhere or made a serious impact. Yeah, some of them take things more seriously than others, but the vast majority of what is actually done is more like operation Youtube Porn Day
Yes, they have a serious reputation, but it doesn't really mean anything. Anonymous doesn't REALLY blow up yellow vans, and they didn't REALLY take down PSN. What they DO do is blast Rick Astley when scientologists are trying to have church. What they DO do is post gay porn on youtube and facebook. They have a reputation that doesn't represent who they really are.
Anonymous is, has always been, and always will be about the lulz. That's it. You can say that they're fighting for freedom of speech or whatever, but they're really just trying to have fun and this is their way of doing it. When they made fun of scinetology, that was just because it was an easy target. Stealing Facebook passwords isn't the hardest thing in the world either, and the results are often damn funny. And when all they get is positive reinforcment you can't really blame them.
This sounds like a lot of fun. Username: Slaughtermatic Suggestions: ZRW's shitfic that I got warned for >_> TimeZone: Pacific Time
Whenever MMOs have moddable music, I have a good time grinding. I just replaced all of Vindictus's music with awesome Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Golden Sun/Pokemon remixes.
Yeah, Yugioh cards are expensive. You won't find Hero packs anymore in most stores. E-Heroes are some of the most expensive cards because Konami...
Are you joking? If you are handling someone else's credit card number, and you screw up, and you are given an opportunity to get it back, refusing is nothing but a statement of arrogant pride, disregard, and lack of respect for their customer's information. Watch the lawsuits pour in.
---------- Links or it didn't happen. ---------- No. I'm not going to waste my effort finding links for you. I'm sick of this. Talk to a...
But of course.
Update- the hackers offer to sell Sony the untouched credit cards numbers (Which are now 100% confirmed to be unencrypted, thanks for the lie Sony) for a price- and they refuse. Yep, Sony clearly cares about your information.
Almost any player who knows what he's talking about.
The stupidity of your post is appalling and I'm going to ignore it.
Yeah in all honesty 4chan would never be able to pull anything of this magnitude off. They (And geohot) are just a scapegoat for these hackers at this point
If sony had at least tried to encrypt the numbers they probably wouldn't be sued right now. I'd also like to point out that it's been possible to grab people's credit cards like this for a LONG time and Sony never did anything about it. Only now is something actually happening.
They found the root key because of an overflow, not an encryption error. And regardless, if you're handling someone's credit card numbers, you encrypt that ****, it doesn't matter how good you think your security is.
It's kind of sad that Sony thinks they're so amazing they don't even have to encrypt credit card numbers.
Different time periods call for different rules. Back then you were also required to marry a girl if you raped her, because that was just the best solution. Things are different now. I don't think kids should be allowed to do factory work or intense labor, but they should be allowed to do stuff like be cashiers or receptionists or other easy crap like that if they really want money/ their parents need it
---------- I doubt you sucked as bad as you think you did. Everybody else who sucks in the real game also sucks in the Arena. You are once again...