The standard defense right now is BoM, Mirror Force, Torrential, Solemn Judgment/Warning, and Decree. For added defense it's good to have some...
---------- Because if I don't he'll just fill his field with the Omni Fusions and rape the living **** out of me! ---------- Are you running...
Yay :) So we're having a meeting AFTER signups are closed?
---------- Jesse, Let me ask you something, Be honest, Do you honestly mean to tell me that you don't think Absolute Zero is ANY good AT ALL?...
FIrst thing: Haven't played OTN yet, but my favorite in WC is Gyzarus as well. Second: That's why you need to stop listening to people on gamFAQs
I didn't realize that, I could have sworn I saw a "You can". Still, Gearfried's effect won't activate until the chain is over, at which point...
I may try it out. I've been to KCVDS but I got tired of it.
Which one? KCVDS? Not really. Level 5 isn't the easiest Synchro and with Exceeds coming that thing probably won't give much of an advantage anyway.
You mean online with your DS? And no, absolutely not.
That's a bummer, my parents are really stressing that I need a break, I was the one who wanted to take a summer class XD I'm not worried about...
I don't care what you do, but I get to be Matthew Patel.
Very bleh. Finals next week, and I'm REALLY stressing out about Computer Science and Math. I spent all my time working on this bonus computer...
---------- Okay, so there's a Duel going on right now in my Arena, XYZ Dragon Cannon's effect becomes Chain Link 1 targeting Gearfried The...
Don't be ridiculous, I'm the father.
Nobody is good with those crappy starter decks they give you. Don't freak out about that. Personally, I will not play any YGO game until there's a...
---------- Please, PLEASE tell me that you at least agree with me on this... ---------- No, I don't. Building a good deck that doesn't draw dead...
Differences? Sure. Advantages? No. It's just completely different.
Skype is Slaughtermatik. Add me to the convo whenever you decide to have a meeting.
Jaden, you can explain it as many different ways as you want. It doesn't matter. I understand what you're trying to say 100% completely. That's...
Becuase Anonymous is always very outspoken about the things they do. You never see them deny stuff that they did. They're a proud people.