Weekday or weekend is fine, as long as it's late at night (after 9PM PST), because my parents usually have me help them with stuff during the day. If you do have the meeting during the day I'll try to go but I can't promise I won't be interrupted.
:0 Good luck. Let me know how it goes. I'm actually going to Disneyland in June. Maybe we'll run into each other :P
Have you moved to LA yet? if so how is it?
Play Vindictus. It's an AWESOME hack and slash MMO. I play on the East server if you decide to start.
Decent. The school year is over and that's nice but my calculus teacher hasn't posted my grades. I'm seriously worried that I failed.
Oh. Thought it was Arizona, which isn't that far from me (southern CA)
Where do you live again?
Do i have to say it? Because Heroes suck and Blackwings don't.
Well yeah...between E-Heroes and Blackwings it's a big difference. Non-competitive to competitive.
I come here every day anyway :V
I can't tell if this is a troll thread. But if it's not, I should be staff, because I'm here every day. I really commit to something if I'm given a responsibility. I'd treat it like a job. I love the crap out of this site and really want to just do whatever I can to help it.
What I have to say would be this: *yawn* New Harpie cards are being made...they're still dead.
My point still stands.
Not when your opponent is doing the same thing. In the real game, not everybody sets 5 cards, gets 2 monsters on the field, and puts a field card...
It's definitely easier in real life, yes.
---------- And Seriously, Is it really possible to be good in real life but suck in The Arena? Because I don't think for one moment that it is....
Yeah...use a different decktype.
Doesn't look too impressive to me, honestly.
---------- 1. How does it make you feel when you're losing a Duel with someone and then on your next turn when you knew that you had a card in...
It is easier for me to play against people when we're both playing normally than it is to play against someone when we're both playing with "Arena...