At this time, the most powerful decks are Chaos Plants, Frognarchs, and Six Sams
Draw cards aren't the only thing to make a deck fast.
---------- If you have any suggestions on what to put in and take out I would appreciate it. ---------- If the deck works for you in the games you...
Definitely good enough to pwn every AI in the games, but not enough to work competitively in real life. Also >Book of Moon X2 >Book of Moon is...
That may have been true when I said it. And actually IIRC I wasn't even playing at the time. I'm in a better position to say so now.
I wonder what 4kids is going to do with series. Five bucks says they're going to make Yuma sound like Blackstar.
It gets even worse, the artifact contains an entity that helps the protagonist duel, and the protagonist helps it regain its lost memories. :/ But I'm willing to forgive that if it gets a good enough plot. I'm going to watch probably the first 20 or so episodes and if it doesn't go anywhere I'm out. 5D's was my favorite series. It had amazing characters, and I don't think it ruined the game. In fact as an actual Yugioh player I LOVE synchros, and I'm sure I'm going to love Exceeds too. I think they pulled the motorcycles off really nicely. They aren't overdone or milked at all, there's like 1 motorcycle duel to every 3 regular duels (Except for the tournament arc of course)
not liking it so far, but nothing's really happened so I can't really make a judgment on the far as the characters, I'm not liking them. Yuma sucks. Well, it's not that he sucks, it's just that I hate him. I really liked how 5D's had a new ass-kicking guy punching people out as the main character, as opposed to a little kid who's still in school in the first two. We're now back to a little kid, and he's the youngest kid yet. And he's in school. So, where's the plot? The green haired girl just looks like a typical Mary Sue/another Tea, and Yuma's fat friend is just annoying. The long haired kid he duels is just a wannabe kid version of Kaiba. The first duel was incredibly boring but that's to be expected, the series is just starting and it needs to ease into the more complicated stuff. But seriously, I miss 5D's already :/ (I can tell I'm going to love Exceeds in gameplay though)