What happened to your curly hair cin?
Hoping for something completly new to be honest. Déjà -vu
Metallica and Machinehead yesterday <:
www.msnvirusremoval.com just throwing that out there, it works actually.
meh nothing too bad y'know
I have only listened to the first 5 titles. Good job on Laser gun. Rest was kinda meh to be honest.
I bought it a day before this was announced... Fml-
Rosey, hate beeing like this but calm the fuck down seriously.
Lmao nice ;D
I'm one of 5 then? :'D also wtf knickers-covered webcam? o.o
Oh sorry forgot your last 19 birthdays >.<
Space invaders Fck year
She's actually 20. :v
I have the mp3 aswell lol
that was just a filler and i was too lazy to make it white :/
Obviously good sir
Hissy isn't super mod <.<
:v y
I am actually akuL according to your profile