Basically what cariad said. He doesn't like you, you like him and you dream about him, meaning you need to get over him. That's all.
I laugh at "why?"
): .
Give me their msn? ...oh wait
aim sucks?
oh the memories *tear*
Honestly this keeps reminding me of madi :v
Holy shit i remember that fad as it invaded khv @_@
Male Age 14 Unemployed Living with parents Single
I liked a few songs of the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and that's all.
Wasn't that when you and cin left staff because of that? xD Yeah that was weird.
I have a PS3.
Metroid of war? Heavenly Metroid? Actually i hope it won't be hack and slash, but something like the first-person shooter and action adventure mix they had in the other 3D metroid titles. Metroid Hunters was the best yet with it's awesome multiplayer, i hope it will be simulöar to it.
lol .
My couldn't they leave Elene as Nate's love interrest? D: Otherwise I WANT THIS FUCKING GAME ;_;
WHAAAT? HELL NO you had childern
Fully Agree'd FFXIV? wow
no you had childern
Nintendo has a few potential good stuff, like the new mario games and the metroid game also the vitalis thing sounds kind of cool. We'll see.
I still wonder how you got that nickname :/