...And frustrating. xP
Roxas skidded to a halt, whirling around as his Keyblades naturally came back to his hands. He glared at Smith, his eyebrows furrowed. "What're you talking about?" he asked harshly, demanding that he be told. What did the "other side" mean? Riku narrowed his eyes. He definitely didn't like this guy, and now he could see why Roxas hated him so much. He definitely belonged in Darkness, and Riku guessed Smith knew it too, taking in how he used the Darkness at his will.
No problem. xD
Roxas summoned Oblivion back to him as soon as it touched the ground with a sound of aggravation, desperate now. He then charged forward with an attack he had in his past, throwing both of his Keyblades horizontally when he was near Smith. Riku could feel his adrenaline pumping through his viens from watching this fight, just like what had happened a few minutes ago as he observed Sora. Now he could understand why Roxas was so bitter before; this guy definitely didn't help things. And it was obvious that Roxas was fired up and ready to kill, but he wasn't thinking clearly. Riku knew he was just acting out of anger and impulse.
You're good at this. xD
Roxas brought his left foot forward as he screamed at Smith. "I said, knock it off!" he roared, seeing how the man controlled the Darkness. He knew exactly who it was affecting too. Namine. Roxas couldn't take it anymore. He had to make him stop. The boy pulled back Oblivion and chucked it at Smith with a battle cry, hoping to strike him.
Yes. He is truly one of the coolest people I know. 8D ...You're actually making me angry in the RP. xDD
Roxas flexed his jaw, his heart experiencing fear because of what was happening to Namine and also rage due to Smith's actions. "Stop it!" he ordered, taking another step forward as he tightened his grasp on Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Riku's eyes narrowed at Roxas's tone, seeing how easily Smith was getting to him. That was just it; Smith knew how easily Roxas was angered when he spoke of Namine so negatively. Riku had to admit he wasn't happy about it either, but Roxas needed to control himself, or he would do something irrational.
It is. And he's gonna make me a copy of the soundtrack. Two disks. :3
"Leave her alone!" Roxas demanded harshly, taking a step forward as he shouted. "She hasn't done anything to you!" If Smith needed to mess with anybody, it would be Roxas. He was the one who fought him the first time in the warehouse, when he and Carter had been after Kairi. And then he fought him again in that same warehouse some time later. If Smith was to pick on anybody, it had to be Roxas. Of course, that was exactly what he was doing. He was torturing Roxas with this information. Her? Riku's eyes widened slightly. He said Roxas's Nobody, and that could only mean... Riku instantly pictured the blonde girl, and he furrowed his eyebrows. This man was picking on Namine.
All or Nothing - Theory of A Dead Man
I just found out one of the friend's I made at the Eclipse premiere loves Kingdom hearts. 8D
Roxas's eyes widened slightly, his expression showing shock at the last few words. "That was you!" he hollered, rage evident in his voice. He felt his heart swirling with many emotions, and he was about to give in to the negative ones: anger, frustration, hatred, sorrow... Everything. Namine... She had been affected by Smith again! Riku tightened his grasp on Way to Dawn at Roxas's shout, not liking the sound of any of this. He'd heard Roxas speak this man's name before: Smith. He definitely seemed evil, from what Riku was hearing.
xD In other news, I officially adore Facebook. :3
Roxas was getting the feeling that he knew who exactly Smith was talking about, and it made him feel uneasy and angry. "...Shut up," he growled lowly, his eyes hard. He already knew how Smith affected people; he was awful and degrading, got inside people's heads. Roxas also knew what else he did, but he tried to block that thought, the memory too much to think about right now.
Touch - Natasha Bedingfield
Haha, you bet it is! But in the RP of course. Evil in real life just is no good. xDD
Roxas flexed his grip on the hilts of his blades, his eyes narrowing slightly at the words. He wasn't going to let Smith defeat him. He hadn't let him in the past, and he wasn't going to let him do so now. But when Smith talked about the other Realm, and emphasized on "people", Roxas felt somewhat affected. What people? He wanted to ask the question, but was afraid of the answer.
I can certainly tell. x3
Too weak, Roxas thought, wanting to roll his eyes. They certainly hadn't appeared weak to him. If that was weak to Smith, then Roxas felt he was in for something much darker than what he had already faced. The thought made him grind his teeth together, his adrenaline pumping through his viens. Riku heard the words spoken, his free hand now in a fist. Whatever this guy was about, he wasn't exactly thrilled to hear him speak that way. Ansem definitely hadn't been weak to him, and Nathaniel seemed like a challenge for even Sora. This guy must have thought himself superior to the other two, which could only end badly.